Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and BHCA Lovers:
I was just wondering if you belong to the BHCA? I have been a member for about a decade or more. I let my membership lapse once, I think. Anyway, one of the main reasons I belong is to keep up with the politics. Plus, like any club you get to vote for certain stuff. The membership comes with a subscription to Tally-Ho, the BHCA official publication. It has a lot of information about the show world and lots pictures of basset hounds stacking! LOL

Stacking, never heard of it! Now fetch my blankee!
Recently, the club has started an advisory committee for basset hound rescue headed by Larry Little. I have talked to Larry and asked to be a part of that committee. I am hoping to help out the rescue front as much as possible. Our all breed club has been really slow to come around and I think it will be fun to be involved in the process of a committee(?) The first thing I would change would be the wording on their website about rescue:
“While BHCA does not engage in basset rescue activities, there are basset hound rescue groups around the country working to find homes for homeless bassets. The groups whose links can be found on this website are supportive of our efforts to promote ethical practices in basset hound rescue.”
OK, they make it sound like participating in rescue is an activity that is not to be engaged in. It has the feeling of being somewhat beneath the Club. It really is almost funny. I know for a fact that there are members who engage in basset hound rescue. I am a member and I engage in basset hound rescue.
This area of our website is sorely lacking. We only have a very few basset hound rescues listed. I think they need my help, don’t cha think so? For example look at how the
Golden Retriever Club of American treats rescue. The underlined link will take you to this All Breed Club’s Rescue page. Carol Allen who is a top notch member of the GRCA just won an award at the Westminster Dog show for her work in breed rescue. Now that is a club to be emulated.
Anyway, food for thought. I think the time has come!
More Musings Later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma