Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Circle of Life Lovers! Over the past few days we have been morning the loss of 2 precious HoPpers, Gus and Liz. They had a good life towards the end. Marilyn made sure of it.
Now it is time to welcome a new HopPer and just in the nick of time. Marilyn has named her Winnie after the wonderful gal who went and sprung her from death row today, Janet Winn.

This morning I got an e-mail from our Chris Dowd in NM with a link to this old gal and my Paul in KY. I already new about Paul. Mr. Big foot!
When I saw this gal, it was hard not to cry. She looked so much like my Lily. Lily had the same sagging belly.
I called the shelter this morning and they told me her time was up. They had already held her longer than they had planned but she was just too dang sweet to put down.
I put a hold on her and told the worker that there were several folks working on springing her ASAP. We all know how this goes. Messages do not get relayed, other workers show up and sometimes the worst can happen. In a matter of hours Chris Dowd had someone picking up Winnie. None too soon. She was on the “list”.

But never fear – HOP to the rescue and of course Janet Winn! Turns out Janet got to talk to someone who confirmed the worst about ole Winnie. She was left without food and water in the back yard of an abandoned home. She had been used as a “Back Yard Breeder”, who was used every heat cycle. Humans were horrible to her. She never stepped a paw inside a home. Yelled out and kicked for barking Winnie never gave up on humans. The shelter workers said she never stopped wagging her tail and was always eager to greet anyone who walked past her kennel.
The woman I talked to this morning said that she woke up thinking about her. She thought it was so odd that I called as soon as she walked in the door. She also said that she never answers the phone at that time because they are not, “officially” in yet.
So you see dear readers – Winnie wins the life lottery. Safe passage to House of Puddles and into Marilyn’s arms.
Sometimes the good gals win!
More winning tickets later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma