Have someone one else take pictures of your hounds and see the difference!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and many faces lovers: I have so many pictures of the kids it is unreal. They find it very natural to have a camera pointed in their faces by me. I have noticed something very interesting. That when anyone else takes their picture very different expressions come out. Not any better or any worse, just different which I really love!
My friend Lisa was over yesterday and she has an awesome camera and she is a really good photographer. I thought I would share a few of her shots.
Here is Chaps wondering what was going on? Mommy was sitting right next to him.
The pic is a bit blurry, probably because Burger Boy moved, but it’s the expression that I like.
In this picture the kids are sitting like fur angels, wondering what their friend, Lisa is doing. I actually have a hard time capturing the kids together. They always want to run up to me. I just love this shot.
So, maybe you can give it a try. Have someone else take pictures of your hounds and see if you can spot a different expression or more!
Thanks Lisa!
More friends taking pictures of furends later……Love, Cat, Chap and Emma
Okay they are the cutest! I love Chaps expressions – and Emma is just so sweet!
Wonderful pictures! The first one Chaps has a look that says “OK, I’m in charge here, who are you?”
chaps has those eyes thats you see in old movies on pictures that follows you around the room…too funny! you know those big old fake horror movies….some big old general stuck up on the wall watching everyone…you know he knows who killed the dead person and stole the jewelry….scary part is that emma saw it too…but she ain’t talkin!
Lois, you are too funny. He does look like that! Poor Emmers!
have a great weekend my dear!
I think Chaps and Emma are saying, I thought Mommy only had one of those camera things. What’s this all about.
That top picture gives it away. Chaps is a detective. I thought y’all knew?! Hey, that’s an idea. Wouldn’t it be cute to have a detective show with Chaps as the star? He could hide all kinds of goodies in his ear flaps and under his rolls of skin. YES!