How do you like my eyebrow whisker?
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Eye Brow Whisker Lovers! Here is another picture of Chaps taken by Lisa, my friend and graphic designer.
Look how impressive that eye brow whisker is? Yet again, another great expression I have failed to capture.
Don’t forget to click the picture to see the massive eyebrow whisker!
The box that is in the picture is what I prop up in front of the dog door when I am not in the office and the door is closed. Emma is NOT allowed to go through the dog door yet. Actually, it is very handy for those of you in this same situation. Emma does a hop and jump out of the dog door and she cannot maneuver it yet. Make sure you keep that in mind for a long time after back surgery.
I can tell you from experience that she falls flat between the inside and the outside. It will damage your hounds recovery. It may be another 4 or 5 months before the hound can do this on their own.
More eyebrow whiskers and doggie door tips later…….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
That eyebrow whisker sets the entire mood of the Mayor’s face.
Harriet thought he was sexy in pink. I don’t DARE show her this picture.
At least he does not have a unibrow! hehehehe
Now that’s an impressive whisker!