I was holding hands with the Mayor!

June 11th, 2009 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Holding Hound Hand Lovers! This is not a really good picture, but I was trying to hold hands with the Mayor. Last night we had a really rough night with storms in basset hound town. We were up at 5:20 and I was trying to calm the Mayor down by holding his paw.


Really all you can do is hold a paw! Emma was watching on. She is so good and has no fear.

More holding hands at 5:20am later………Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. lois
    June 11th, 2009 | 9:17 pm

    da mayor’s one lucky guy!

    coop gets all trembly with storms too…poor guy just vibrates like a tuning fork. i wrap in a blankie and hug him tight…it seems to help…buster is mr oblivious…they don’t bother him at all, and he doesn’t seem to care that coop is sweating out buckets of fluid over this. i swear sometimes buster has the sensitivity of a boulder!

    tell da mayor we love him here at the burg’ and that he is welcome here but unfortunately we don’t remember what the sun looks like…we just feel moldy. someday its gonna get all bright and shiny out and we’ll all be blind from it~

  2. June 11th, 2009 | 11:12 pm

    Everyone needs a paw to hold sometimes … even Mayors.

    Hope it quiets down there and you all can get a good sleep.

  3. June 12th, 2009 | 9:17 am

    The Mayor’s paw is so lovely. All the freckles really show up on his paw. Sokind of you to hold it for him when he’s stresed. Good thing Emmers isn’t afraid too or you’d really be busy.

  4. MaureenandSlinky
    June 12th, 2009 | 10:52 am

    The Mayor has quite a big paw, but then again he has quite a big brain and heart to make the outfit complete.

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