The Basset Hound Walkers: 22 hounds in Somerset

June 12th, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and walking five mile lovers with 22 hounds! This is so cute and fun. I wish we were a part of this group!

Oh, look at the cows at the 4 minute mark! So cute! If I ran across this group I might have had a kipnipshin fit.

The commentator on this video is the best!

More loving this group later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Down hill all the way back!


  1. jon
    June 13th, 2009 | 11:45 am

    Hilarious. Simply brilliant. Mad dogs and Englishmen. Or perhaps that should be the other way around.Thanks for sharing this.

  2. MaureenandSlinky
    June 15th, 2009 | 10:19 am

    I would love to do something like this throught out the year. Everyone has such a good time.

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