Today is the day to make it over that hurdle!

June 17th, 2009 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset and and making it over hurdle lovers. Hurdles can be small or large and we all have them. Well, this girl named Cherry has inspired me to check a few hurdles off my list today.


If she can do it so can I.

More hurdle jumping later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    June 17th, 2009 | 9:07 am

    I think her ears are a definite asset to this hurdle jump. The probably help her coast.

  2. June 17th, 2009 | 9:35 am

    And the swinging of the ears probably helps her over! If I took my dogs to an agility park and tried to get them to do anything they’d just look up at me like I was nuts. Jethro walks around everything because he thinks that’s much easier.

  3. June 17th, 2009 | 11:19 am

    She is a real cutie. I don’t think any of my bassets would ever have tried that. They prefered the eating challenge at the basset olympics.

  4. bostonbassetlover
    June 17th, 2009 | 1:50 pm

    Hi Cat,

    I’ve been a Hound ‘Lurker’ for a while now. I truely enjoy your site.

    here is a good video of basset hound agility that I thought was relevant to your post. Enjoy.

  5. MaureenandSlinky
    June 17th, 2009 | 2:18 pm

    I took Slinky for 6 weeks of obedience training when I first adopted her. Don’t get me wrong Slinky enjoyed going there — with all the people and other dogs, but she just liked to sit on the side and watch everyone else work.

  6. June 17th, 2009 | 4:07 pm

    Hey BBL! I loved that YouTube! What a great video. Thanks so much for sending it.

    The basset in the picture is Cherry. She lives in FL and loves to FLY! Her Mom sent the picture to me and I added the sky. That was the only thing re-touched in the photo. I was making cards for her.

    Ya gotta love a flying, low to the ground, hound!

    Cat, Chaps and Emma

  7. June 18th, 2009 | 10:50 am

    bassets in agility? Impressive! I watched the video link from BBL … that was pretty cool. I liked the weave poles … not exactly border collie speed, but that basset still got it done.

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