Would you like a Chaps tail update?????
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Chaps Tail Update Lovers: OK – tomorrow is our last day of anti-biotics for the big golf ball sized cyst that the Mayor had on his tail.
Never one to keep his residents guessing on how he is doing and a firm believer in full disclosure about his health we are releasing the following pictures. This one shows the Mayor in the resting position.
It appears to me that there is still some swelling and redness in the area. Here is a closer look:
He will go in for a check-up early next week. I want to see how his tail does over the weekend off of anti-biotics.
The good news is, none of this affected his appetite! YES!
More tail updates later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Now there’s a cute butt! Glad the tail is healing up. It does look a wee bit swollen to me too, but hopefully that will ease up soon. Scully sends slobbers to the Mayor.
Yeah, I see the swelling too. Glad to hear his appetite is still good. We send healing drool to the Mayor! Jethro has an iterdigital cyst. Not exactly sure how to spell that. He gets them between his toes. This is probably the 5th one he’s had in his 8 years of life. I took him to the vet with the first one and they said that they could remove it but it could come back. They suggested to watch it and make sure that it didn’t get infected. So I did and it eventually went away. So, he’s licking his paw and it swells then it goes down. It’ll take about a week or 2 to go away. Poor boy. But, he’ll survive! He hasn’t had one in about 3 years so I was surprised to see this come up. I was sooooo hoping that he wouldn’t get them anymore. Oh well.
I think this picture inspires a contest. I think we should have a Biggest Basset Butt contest in addition to the Longest Basset Ears Contest. (I hope to measure Slinky this weekend.) We could measure from inside the back paw, under the tail to inside the other back paw. Extra points would be given to whomever had a sassier butt.
I hope the Mayor’s cyst disappears with the antibiotics he is using. I hope he doesn’t have to have it surgically removed.
It sounds like some extra special treats will be needed to aid in his recovery.
Does the Mayor have any political dates scheduled in the coming months?