Basset hound, on raccoon’s trail, gets rescued from storm drain

June 11th, 2009 - 6:06 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and rescuing hounds lovers! Well, this is a different kind of rescue story that came across the wires yesterday. dog2_f

After spending hours in a drainage pipe off of Druid Place in South Hills, this basset hound made her way out with a little help.

This just in from Sarah of Outlaw Basset Hound Rescue!

June 9th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Outlaw Basset Hound Rescue Lovers:

Sarah sent out a group e-mail today about the status of her rescue and I thought I would blog about it.

Here is her e-mail:

“We now have Paul who is a semi rescue now:) He was rescued by Cathy at from Newport Pound. He was adopted out and then the adoptees found out he has cancer and returned him. He will stay at the farm for the rest of his life unless we find a home that his willing to take his special needs. He now has a penpal Bailey in Michigan another Basset:)


We have just placed Elly Mae who is again living like the queen she deserves.

We just received Smokey a Baegle (Beagle/Basset mix) a puppy probably around 9 months of age. He was rescued by a good Samaritan that found him in a foreclosed home and was able to hold him until I had room for him at the farm.

We just received Fred yesterday. He is a great little basset. He was turned in because he barks and slobbers:) 🙂 I have found some lumps on him and am hoping he will be fine and be able to be adopted soon.

We are always looking for people to help or if you know of bassets that need help I try to keep an ongoing waiting list.

Also on July 4th at 11:00 in Harrison we are having a Basset Waddle (all dogs welcome) Anyone interested please email me for more details.

On June 26th we are going to a small fundraiser.

On June 17th we will be at Monks in Harrison. They have a pet expo one Wed a month and are asking for rescues.

FYI I also co-run a horse rescue –

Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from all of you!


End of group e-mail!

Outlaw is a very small rescue that has a very huge heart.

Not to mention the goats she cares for! LOL


More caring for those in our area later! OMG, we love Sarah……Cat, Chaps and Emma

Little dog gone, not forgotten……….

June 9th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and finding an old dog on your porch lovers: This story was in our local newpaper this morning and I thought you might enjoy it. I remember reading about it when it happened. bilde1

I know it is hard to read, but you will get the drift. Here is the woman that discovered Baby on her door step.


COVINGTON – It’s been almost a week since Baby’s death, but the condolences still keep pouring in for the lovable little Schnauzer that tugged at a community’s heart strings.

Last July, Baby joined Sandi “Stoney” Stonebraker’s household when the MainStrasse business owner opened her side door to find a cardboard box with a handwritten note on top. Inside was a trembling black dog wrapped in a faded Winnie the Pooh blanket.

“I’m sorry to show up on your doorstep but my master lost our home,” the note said. “Please take care of me or find someone that (will) be good to me as I’m old, 15 years, blind, hard of hearing…and no money to see a doctor…My name is Baby.”

For nearly a year, Baby shared a home with Stoney and her two other strays – Joey, a geriatric poodle mix, and Kita, a frisky gray and white cat. During that time, Stoney continued her search for the elderly, gray-haired stranger who neighbors had spotted gazing into her yard on the day she found Baby.

Stoney told Baby’s story in the newspaper. She posted updates on her Facebook account, and even stopped people on the street in search of the little dog’s original owner. But it was to no avail.

“I always pictured Baby’s owner having to go into a nursing home or leaving town to go live with his children because of his health,” Stoney said. “On some level, I hope he knows that I did everything I could to make her last year wonderful. I wrapped her in my love, and she loved me back.”

After Baby’s story appeared in The Enquirer last August, the little Schnauzer became a celebrity of sorts.

“I’d be out walking her on the promenade, and people would drive by and roll down their windows and say, ‘Is that Baby?”’ Stoney recalled. “Everyone wanted to meet her.”

Last week, Stoney made the final call to the vet that she’d been dreading for some time. Baby was sleeping all but one or two hours a day, coughing up stuff and “she was so thin you could feel her bones.”

“Even though she was sleeping 22 or 23 hours a day, she was a regular little Energizer bunny when she was awake,” Stoney said. “She still had that perky little step, and I’ll never forget how she tilted her little head.”

Baby was buried last Wednesday in the backyard where she would sit for hours in nice weather.

Since then, Stoney has accepted flowers, cards and numerous phone calls and e-mails offering condolences for the little dog.

Someone sent a figurine of a Scottie with a halo over his head. A woman “who didn’t have a dime” sent a homemade bookmark. Friends gave Stoney a dogwood to plant near the sidewalk that Baby walked each day.

“If I could talk to Baby’s owner, I would want to thank him for his special gift,” Stoney said. “Baby inspired me and brought out something in me that wasn’t there before. She was a special doggie that touched people’s hearts.”


Rest in peace Baby. Rest in peace.

More wonderful stories later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Like Father, Like Son!!! YES!

June 9th, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Father Like Son Lovers! OMG! The apple does not fall far from the tree! I love that statement. I wonder who came up with it? I guess I could ask google. Google knows it all. Well, no truer words were ever spoken in the case of measuring Chaps son’s ears! Here is Colby Chaps!

It all started off innocently enough.

“You want to do what? You woke me up to measure my ears?”




“OK, let’s get on with it. How long are Daddy’s ears? Hey look!”


“Mine are the exact same length! That is totally pawsome! I like this measuring thing! Let’s see how long I am in general!”


“Yes! I love showing off my belly!”

As a side note, I cannot believe how much our Colby Chaps looks like our Chaps. It is just phenomenal.

“OK – how about my snooter? Measure that Jourdan! Jourdan is my girl.”


“Ahhhhhhhhh, You know what they say, big snooters – big kisses! Slurp!”

More loving the family tree later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

Breaking news about Chaps Yellow Pages cover!

June 9th, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Chaps being on the Yellow Pages cover lovers! We have good news and bad news. Let’s go with the not so bad news first. The Yellow Pages were supposed to be out this month but the Yellow Pages have been pushed out their new introduction until September. Sigh………..

I think the good news out weighs the bad. This addition will be a 15 month run! Yes! Chaps will be on the cover for 15 months so the Mayor is very happy about that!

I actually spoke with the woman who was in charge of the contest and she is very nice. Her and I are working together on a few ideas which will be forth coming! She also saw a sneak peek at the cover and she said that Chaps looks great! This is so exciting. I will be obtaining extra copies of the Yellow Pages and Chaps will be signing them.

So, stay tuned for more information about our cover boy! I think this is a picture of the shoot you have not seen yet.

Mommy hovering……..


More biting our nails as we let our fingers do the walking in basset hound town later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Test for Famous Hounds!

June 8th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

This is a test blog for my new famous hounds sub blog!

I will click to the side under sub blogs to see if it works!


Website stats explode on Sunday!

June 8th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Website stat lovers! This was the coolest thing! Yesterday, someone in Argentina linked to a blog posting I did about this guy named

Mamoru Oshi, and an eariler blog posting I did about him.


He is HUGE in Japanese animation and he also incorporates his love of his basset hound into his movies. I don’t know if it was a basset hound thing or just a Mamoru Oshi thing, but it was cool none the less! I could not tell, because it was all in a different language.

It was really fantastic because about a thousand extra visitors came to basset hound town yesterday. It was kind of thrilling for me because I love this guy. I have been following him for years. I have sent him e-mails asking to interview him but I have never heard back.

I hope that someday I can met him and his hound, GABE, in cyberspace. The first e-mail I sent him was back in 2006. That’s OK, I am very patient!

I Love, cool stuff like this!

More Japanese animation later, Love……..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Is this too delicate to blog about?

June 8th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wondering if this is too delicate of a subject lovers: It’s about Chaps lifting his leg to go sprinkle. He never does this at home. EVER! He is a squatter.

But, put that harness on and go out the door and those short legs are lifting as high as a basset hound leg can go. I won’t go as far as showing a picture but this is the Mayor at the park in front of his favorite tree!


I just find it so cute that the Mayor is “Mr. Man” when he goes on a walk or out in public.

I was just wondering if any of his boy followers do the same thing?

Am I revealing too much about our Mayor?

More asking about life’s questions later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

You never know where the internet will take you!

June 7th, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo fellow basset hound and Nupsstadur farm lovers: This morning I was looking for an image to use on my home page and I googled, tiny church. Chaps always likes to bless his residents, no matter what the religion on Sunday. He knows that some celebrate on different days but he picks Sunday to bless everyone. I love that about him. Anyway, back to our Icelandic travel log!

This is the image that came up.


And here is the one I picked for Chaps this morning.


This tiny church is on Nupstadur Farm in Iceland. Nupstadur is the easternmost farm of the Fljot County, just to the west of the largest alluvial / outwash plain of the country, Skeidararsandur, where the glacier burst took place in November 1997 as a result of the sub glacial eruption in October the same year. In earlier times, the farmers of Nupstadur were obliged to guide travellers across this precarious gravel desert and unbridged glacial rivers.

A part of the chapel at Nupsstadur dates partly back to the 17th century and is now in the care of the National Museum. The remnants of the old turf houses are also well worth the short detour from the main road. The precipice behind the farm with its bizarre rock formations is also a welcome sight.
Just east of the farm is a 600 m high and precipitous mountain, Lomagnupur.

(this is the best part)……….

According to the ancient mythology, it is occupied by one of the four main protective spirits of the country, the giant with the iron stick, who is on the Icelandic coins along with the remaining three other figures in the country’s coat of arms.

The distance from the capital is about 370 km.


All the buildings have turf roofs, including a tiny wooden church dating back to 1200. It was abandoned in 1968 after the death of the owner who was the postman and a guide for crossing the treacherous local river. Bridges only came to the south coast in 1974.

I am totally and utterly fascinated with Iceland. As a matter of fact, my next book is about Icelandic freckle fairies. Here is an image that I am working on for the start of the book.

Here Chaps is laying by a babbling brook wondering what happened to his friends, the Icelandic Freckle Fairies……..


It is still very much a work in progress and after finding images like the ones I did this morning, I have a lot to think about.

More Icelandic thoughts later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps tail update…….

June 6th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Chaps tail lovers! Just in case you were wondering, Chaps is progressing very nicely with the cyst on his tail rupturing recovery. I took pictures for my vet today and I would never post something so yucky. The yucky factor has decreased and his vet is very happy with his progression.

Grandma and I change his bandage 3 times a day. It is just so cute because, Chaps lays in a position where he has to have Grandma holding his paw when I apply the extra warm cloth. I have not been able to get a picture of it because the process is just to high anxiety. I will capture it tomorrow. You would not believe it. Chaps lays on his side and as soon as Grandma sits in front of him he lifts his paw as to say, “hold my hand”. It is just the cutest thing ever. He is also the best patient ever.

This is a picture of Grandma getting him to rest in my lap for the warm compression and bandage changing.


He actually loves it. He is not in any pain at all. Grandpa was on the other side of the kitchen gate with Emma. He said, that he felt, like he was in an operating theater, observing!

Oh for the love of hounds!

More loving hound later and not loving operating theaters! Cat, Chaps and Emma

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