HOWLLO FELLOW BASSET HOUND AND YELLOW PAGES LOVERS! We have been waiting and waiting for this proud moment since Chaps was announced as the winner in the companion photo contest for the cover of the Yellow Pages. He could not have won without the residents of basset hound town and their daily votes to support his cause of donating the
1000 dollar prize money to House of Puddles.
So, here it is dear residents!

I am just beyond excited. I am in the process of getting as many copies as I can get my paws on.
OK – this is really cool. When you open the book this is the first page!

The small print is all about the Yellow Pages. I am so excited to get out there and market this. I am going to network this beyond belief. I am so excited. Oh, I already said that! LOL
Here is what you see if you turn the page again!

The pug is the winner of the Hamilton County (Cincinnati) contest. She will be on the cover of that Yellow Pages. Chaps will be in the “runner up” position for that book. Chaps received the most votes over all! Again, thank you to all of the residents who voted for him. I cannot wait to get out in Northern KY and network this. I am going to call of the local TV stations, newspapers, and all regional media. Chaps is really ready for his multiple close ups. Just look at him admiring his cute self!~

We drove down to the public library today to sign their book. They had not received it yet so we are going back to do it with hopefully a hoopla! I will call the local media.

I think Chaps and I are going to be really busy coming up. Emma will come along as well. The spot light will love her!
More loving the color YELLOW later………

Wanna see the Hoppers?
Cat, Chaps and Emma Rudert!