This is just pathetic…..

August 2nd, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hounds and worried about the Mayor’s comfort lovers! The poor pathetic creature has no soft beds to lay in. He is forced onto a tiny, thin matt by a drafty old door.


This is no way to treat a government official!

By the way, today is bed washing day! LOL

More pathetic creatures later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. August 2nd, 2009 | 11:55 am

    There is nothing more pathetic than a hound on bed washing day.

  2. Basset Lover
    August 2nd, 2009 | 11:58 am

    Aww poor thing… he looks quite old too and needs his comfort. My Bassets have two beds to choose from, one looks like suede and the other is fleecy, both with loads of soft blankets on top of plush cushions and my Basseys always look so snug!

  3. August 2nd, 2009 | 4:44 pm

    It’s bed washing day here too! All the bedding is in the wash and the beds are out in the sun airing out. They have a fouton and a cushion/egg crate wrapped in a big comforter to lay on in the meantime. They always sleep so good at night when they have clean sheets. Rugby and Harriet will jump in the bed before I can even get it made up! Poor Chaps. The rug isn’t even big enough! BASSET ABUSE!

  4. Mary
    August 2nd, 2009 | 5:50 pm

    At least he can go to sleep. My first Basset would be very upset when I took his bed. I would leave a folded blanket for him. He would fuss and grumble the whole time he was rearranging it so he could sleep on it. Usually he just wadded it up into a ball like shape and would sling himself over it. Very funny. I sure miss him and it has been 8 years.

  5. Debbie Wood and King JB, Angel,Lucky, Templeton
    August 2nd, 2009 | 6:55 pm

    The poor boy Hounds just look so pitiful on bed washing day

  6. Emily
    August 2nd, 2009 | 6:57 pm

    That’s just sad..poor boy!

  7. MaureenandSlinky
    August 3rd, 2009 | 10:41 am

    I purchased a nice fleese bed for Slinky, and she would never use it. Slinky preferred, the floor but now she has gotten used to my bed and barks/whines until she gets lifted up there.

  8. August 3rd, 2009 | 12:45 pm

    Picture proof of the basset abuse at your house! That small pitiful rug isn’t even big enough for the Mayor when he’s curled up. Where is Emma? Did she suffer the same indignity?

  9. August 3rd, 2009 | 3:33 pm

    Joni – Emma did suffer and wound up laying by the door lightly crying while Grandma hustled to get the laundry finished. It really is so sad! hehehe

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