One of the best YouTubes ever! Sooooooo Cute!
August 12th, 2009 - 8:08 pm KY Time
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and loving seeing basset hounds playing. Especially a big hound and a little hound. It makes me think how sweet joy is. Just to see such a big basset play so sweet with a baby………This is a 7 minute video. Worth every second!
That baby is so lucky to have that big hound in it’s life…….
More wishing we all have that kind of fun! Cat, Chaps and Emma
Way too cute! What an ideal situation to have a young hound that’s young and active enough to tire out that baby. I enjoyed that.
What a wonderful big brother.
What a sweet video, thanks for sharing it.
I would give most anything to have just a little of their energy.
Also, sometimes I think that Big Boy just wanted to say “isn’t it for your nap”!
OK … is it just me or are baby bassets the cutest puppies ever ?!?!?!?