Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and THE TODAY SHOW Lovers………
NOTHING IS CONFIRMED YET, but I received a phone call today about Chaps availability and interest level to appear in New York City for the morning shows (including THE TODAY SHOW) in very short order.
Why you ask? Well, it seems that the company who did the contest for the Yellow Pages is doing some big time marketing and how better to market than to have the winning dogs on the morning shows? The girl I talked to said that she had little to no info. She was just told to see if we were willing participants. All expenses would be paid of course!
Can you imagine Chaps plugging House of Puddles, talking about giving his winnings to the elders? Hopefully, he is not too sleepy! He would not have been able to donate all of this doe had it not been for all of his loyal residents voting for him day in and day out. Chaps actually receive more votes than the winner of the Cincinnati addition. YES!
It is all very sketchy. It may never happen or it could happen next week or several weeks there after. I had to share the news. Maybe the power of drool and good thoughts will make it happen?????
All I know is that I told the girl I would drive Chaps to New York City at the drop of a hat.
My head is spinning. How cool would that be? It may all just be a dream but I bet I don’t get much sleep, not to mention dreams tonight!
More knowing my boy deserves this more than anything, later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
Wow! How exciting! I hope it is a go! P.S. Do you need someone to ride shotgun? LOL Really, how could they not want Chaps on national T.V.?
WOW….OGM!! That is the best news I have heard in ages!!! Chaps is our shining star! How proud we are of you both. You do so much good for our furbabies…we love you for your dedication. Think of how much awareness and education you and Chaps can bring to the public attention to our cause!!! Sending 4 hounds worth of drool and keeping 16 paws cross for good luck!
You ROCK!!!
Thank you Debbie and BJ! We are so excited. We are sleeping by the phone! It is so fortunate that I work out of my home and I can make this journey if we are so lucky! DEEP BREATH!~
Basset and Sussex drool from our house! This would be so COOL!
Kerry! Can you imagine? Our big Chaps on the morning shows? I am trying to contain myself and not hyperventilate. When I hung up the phone my heart was pounding.
I can just see him on the set! I sure hope it happens!
Holy chit! Wouldn’t that be fabulous! Wow, this is so exciting. Hoppers are drooling furiously for Chaps’ debut on the Today show!!! (My favorite morning show, by the way.)
You do know that HOP is between you and NYC right????
Hey see if they would come do a location shoot there! B Roll!!!!
OMG Cat…… can he take his son with him (he would need him to keep the papparatzi’s away!!!! This is BIG — really, really BIG!!!! I can already invision it!!!!! I don’t care how long the segment is — just make it happen!!!! We are sending much drool your way for luck.
Melynda – I would do everything in my power to make that happen. How cool would that be? Maybe this is my reality show come true? Cat
Audra – You are so cute! How pawsome would it be if his son Colby Chaps could be his “hound guard”? We could all march into the green room! We could demand treats and belly rubs! LOL
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be fantabulous!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! Our fingers & paws are crossed!!!!
OMGGG Chaps on national TV I know that Emma will make sure that our boy doesn’t let this fame go to his head. This could be the start of something big. And we will all get to say, we knew him when.
We are on needles and pins . . . .
I was on a national talk show in 2005 in NYC; they flew us out all expenses paid, etc–it all happened VERY fast, less than two weeks from the first call to the taping. And there was a lot of disruption at our house for the TV crews to shoot the b-roll, segment, etc…plus all the photos, etc that had to be over-nighted back and forth…
They were not, however, very good about per diem; do not offer to drive yourself or they might take you up on it…I’m sure Today Show/etc would be better about it, or the marketing company that is doing this…but…just be sure to stand up for the best treatment for yourself and the dog…including a SEAT on the plane, not cargo for the dog.
This is soooooooooo exciting. Nothing would be cooler than to see the Mayor on national television as a testimony how wonderful Bassets are. What an opportunity for you Cat to plug what you are so wonderful at, helping houndies.
Hugs of excitment,
Kip, Gus, Bonnie and Charlie Bear
Maybe you could get everyone there to buy a support bracelet for the Hoppers!!!!!
How way kewl is that????
How fantabulous!!!!!!!!!! All fingers and paws are crossed here in north central Ohio that this works out! I know you will keep us posted on the particulars.
You will need to replace your chewed shoes.
The Mayor flying as cargo? I don’t think so!
Oh No No No Mayor in the cargo hold! Mommy would be driving himz from KY to NY! Maybe I can use a black sharpie to fill in the chew marks on the shoes? YES!
OMG, WOW!!! That would be the coolest thing ever! Gosh, I’m excited as heck for you and I really hope this happens!
That is awsome!
I so hope this happens Chaps deserves this and he would sure get the word out about HOP
Debbie, King JB, Angel, Templeton, Lucky Puck
Oh how I pray this will happen!!! I can see the mayor now. Sitting there looking like he belongs and just taking in all the lights and action. Who would have dreamed that all the voting we did months ago, every day, for the mayor could possibly lead to this!!! A big thanks to everyone who made it possible for the mayor to be on the cover of the yellow pages! Good luck Cat and everybody here in the Doyle household is drooling, praying, crossing paws, fingers, ears…everything!!!
Hey Cindy – you are so right. Without all of his residents voting and voting he would longing for his place in the spot light! It really is very exciting. If he gets to go, maybe he can do a yellow book signing tour on his way home. Now that would be pawsome!
omg that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!
Insist on first class seats for YOU & CHAPS and a limo to the studio!! This will be so awesome if it happens.
That’s wonderful! I hope it happens.
Here are a few things you should demand (or the Mayor should demand). Stay at the Plaza hotel, bottled water, and a nice piece of prime rib. Plenty of sevants to cater to all his needs. Limos to and from the studio. Carriage rides in the park, and to meet some celebrities.
[…] Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and say it ain’t so lovers! Could it be? Could our Mayor have been affected by the famous, “budget cuts”, we all know so much about. Finally, there was to be a bit of joy in this cruel world when the Mayor was contacted about potentially being on the early morning shows in New York City, including the TODAY SHOW! […]