Mayor Chaps is now in the running for the Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar Contest!

September 1st, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar Lovers. Well, last night about 9:00ish I submitted the winning photo of the Mayor along with $10.00 to enter him in the Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar Contest. All proceeds from this calendar go to SHB and it is their biggest fund raiser of the year!

Chaps and I would like to thank everyone who voted for their favorite picture of the Mayor. Here is Chaps with the tally….


As you can see #2 won by 5 votes over picture #1. Here is the winning picture!


Here is the link to look at all of the other seniors who are participating. I had to laugh when I saw all of the pictures. Soooooooooo cute! Chaps already has one vote! LOL! It was fun to see Buttermilk and Laverne from HOP in the contest. This calendar is a huge part of my gift giving over the Holidays.


You might want to book mark this page to check on the Mayor’s progress! Plus, I might have a few fun things up my wrinkled paw to jazz up the voting process.

More checking back later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Candace Wilson
    September 1st, 2009 | 6:01 pm

    Wait – how many voted for pic #4?????

    The Mayor is a shoo-in! Go Chaps

  2. Cat
    September 1st, 2009 | 6:07 pm

    It was only you Candy! LOL! Alot of folks loved it, but only one official vote! OK, 2 butt mine did not count! hehehe

  3. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 1st, 2009 | 7:00 pm

    Well, I’m headed right on over to give Chaps 25 votes from everybody here at the Doyle house! What a good cause. I bought some DD calendars for gifts this year but I sure wouldn’t buy many of those. Altho they are very worth it they are just too expensive to give out to too many people. I give them to my dog loving friends that will appreciate them.

    I thought there for a minute that Chaps wasn’t in there for some reason because he’s not in the C’s. He’s in the M’s for Mayor! How funny!

  4. Cat
    September 1st, 2009 | 7:24 pm

    Cindy, that is pawsome! How cool! I am so jazzed. Chaps is sleeping but I will tell him when he wakes up! GOOOOOOOOOO MAYOR!

  5. Wanda
    September 1st, 2009 | 7:31 pm

    Go Mayor Chaps. I think he will win Paws Down.
    Your fan,
    Miss Riley
    I think your really handsome

  6. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 1st, 2009 | 8:08 pm

    Ok, comon everybody! There are 10 dogs that have more votes than the Mayor. Altho he’s still in the running this is too close for comfort for such a prestigious hound!

  7. Debbie and the Masterpiece Bassets
    September 1st, 2009 | 9:10 pm

    I love that picture of Chaps by the tally! He is the cutest! Good Luck Mayor Chaps!

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