Does Emma have a twin?

October 6th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow basset hound and sweet e-mail lovers! It is just so wonderful to hear from my dear readers and get such sweet pictures.

Here is the e-mail I am talking about…..

Message from Jim:

While looking at your site the other day I came across this image of your Emma and I really had to do a double take.


They say everyone has a twin and it must be. My girl is also named Emma and she is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I have attached a picture from 2005 back when she was about the same age as your Emma in the link above. As with all of us she has grown and changed, but I’ll never forget the early days, and the wonderful “puppy breath”. 🙂


I really don’t know how to address your Emma’s blindness as I don’t know you. It of course is sad and I am sure you have heard more times than you can count how “sorry” people are about it. I will only say this. What happened to her would not have happened unless there was someone there that could have taken care of her with the love and affection you obviously display. I am sure there are many times you asked yourself if you could keep doing the treatments, etc., but like all good parents our children come first. for that I thank you and commend you. I am sure there are very hard days.

My wife Laurel and I also have another Basset named Milo (I am convinced that it is impossible to have just one hound) and the most playful, loving, Chihuahua named Kipper. He is the best small dog you will ever come across.

Jim & Miss Emma.

Note from Cat……..How touching dear Jim and your Miss Emma. I am just so thrilled to get your message and the picture of your Emma! I will forever cherish it as I am sure many others will that read my blog. It is really very sweet and kind! I think they are twins as well! How Cool!

Thank you for your kind comments about Emma and her blindness. I relish in my Emma’s strength. She is such a gift.

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    October 6th, 2009 | 7:41 pm

    Yep, she’s got a twin!

  2. MaureenandSlinky
    October 7th, 2009 | 10:46 am

    WoW this is amazing! The fact that there are two Basset Hounds named Emma, and that they look alike some how makes the world better place for me.

    How typical and unfortunate that “Jim” is married. All the good men are!

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