I am not sending out Holiday cards this year.
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Holiday Card Lovers.
I am certainly one of them. I truly loved every year that I designed holiday cards and spent hours and hours on them. This year I am just not doing it. In the past I had a graphic designer help me bring my designs to life but the cost of doing that was just not worth it this year. Instead, I decided to do the Santa letters to benefit the House of Puddles. It has been way more fun! So far, the Santa Letters (which you can see at the top of this blog) have raised about a 100 dollars. That my dear readers is a lot of sugar plums!
Speaking of which, here is my 2005 Holiday card for your viewing pleasure!
If you notice in the sky, that is my 2002 Holiday card. Grandpa is Santa and the sleigh is being pulled by reindogs that I love.
I will show that later.
So, if you want to send me a card please do this instead. Put a dollar in the mail to the House of Puddles. Save your card and save an elder!
House of Puddles, Inc.
4422 Reels Mill Rd.
Frederick, Md. 21704
Ahhhhhhhhhhh………Heart warming.
More past cards later for your viewing pleasure….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
You are not alone, Cat. It is just too expensive. Besides, between email, Facebook and Twitter, we all talk to those most important to us on a regular basis. The Santa letters are a much better idea. Can’t wait for Michael to see his on Saturday.
Well, most of my cards went out on Saturday. I have a few more for some special hounds that I will be mailing on Friday. So, too late Cat! But…I ordered them from Wal-Mart.com and paid less than $2 a piece. And I don’t get the basset cards for everybody. Just my doggie loving friends. So, it doesn’t cost me that much. We still gave $25 to HOP, $25 to Sr. Houndsabound and $25 to BBRofTX. I don’t spend money during the year so that I can give during x-mas. I used to give coats and blankets to the homeless but the past few years I’ve moved that money to rescue for the hounds. Personally, I think the hounds appreciate it much more!
I totally agree with you Cindy! Thanks for the card anyway! You know I will enjoy it!
I still have that card on my bulletin board at work. It stays up year round, because everyone talks about it!!!!!!
THAT is the CUTEST card EVER!!!!
And by the way Cat…the Santa letters was a brilliant idea and a very generous one too. YOUR THE BEST!