Wow! Check this out!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Owe Lovers! Can you believe this? Just crossing the wires is this story about Beryl and Wol!
Beryl and Wol

Beryl and Wol have become inseparable friends
A 16 year old Bassett Hound and a four year old Owl have struck up an unusual friendship in an animal refuge in England. Their owner, Sara Ross, noticed that they both liked to watch television with her in the evenings and
before she knew it they were curling up together. “They are both rescue animals and they’re like best buddies. Wol needs full-time care and one day I was giving him a bit of exercise and he just plonked down on Beryl’s back. She doesn’t mind, she’s really laid back and a bit of a pussycat really.” Sara said. “Beryl didn’t mind at all and now you can’t keep them apart.”
More best friends later, Love Cat, Chaps and Emma
What an amazing story. A beautiful way to start the weekend. 16 years old. That is so pawsome. We can sure learn lessons from our houndies and owlies!
Kip, Gus, Bonnie and Charlie Bear
Just makes you wonder why we all can’t get along.
it amazes me when i hear of stories like this…different species who shouldn’t get along…do…despite the odds. yet we as one species can’t. says something about the trust animals have for one another and the ability they have to listen to the heart and soul of what’s inside a creature and not judge solely on the exterior presented to them.
the sad part is that deep inside we humans have the inate ability to trust like this but in so many it is stunted or damaged or worst yet lost. so sad…
i feel tho that if we listen and learn from our animals then there is hope..we can learn so much from our dogs (cats, horses…etc) if we slow down and open up a little bit.
Well said Lois, well said. Sigh…
I agree with Lois, animals sent an excellent example that mankind should follow. These two are quite a pair.