December 22nd, 2009 - 12:12 pm KY Time
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wondering about Brazilian commercial lovers?????
Anyone know what this is about? I think it’s a Brazilian commercial. Is it about comfortable shoes? Walking on air? Flying hounds? HUH?
More, huh? later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
I’m just as lost as you are.
What a hoot!! Such a gorgeous basset:) It appears to be an ad for something like computers or communications, something like that…TIM is almost certainly the name of the company. “Mais clientes, cobertura, economia, tecnologia”–more clients, coverage, economy, ecomony, technology…It says “Use our technology to live without borders” (hence the guy floating around) but technology for what??…it ends Congratulations, Edgar!–I assume Edgar is the basset hound? Gotta love foreign commercials–you never really know what is being promoted;) Inventive though!;)
Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo
Thanks for the explanation Mary!
My research shows that this is an ad for a telecommunications company!
TIM is Telecom Italia Mobile – based in Italy but offering cellular phone service in Brazil and Peru.
Not that it makes much more sense now, but there you have it!