Meet the newest HoPper – Sheriff Coltrane

December 12th, 2009 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sheriff Coltrane Lovers: Wow, House of Puddles has yet another HoPper. That puts the total at 21. Meet Sheriff Coltrane!

Marilyn states,

“This is Sheriff Coltrane. I just picked him up from BROOD’s kennel this morning. He’s an old guy with a gimpy walk, given up by his owners because they couldn’t afford the vet bills. They had just gotten him 3 months ago off of Craig’s list. Coltrane would like to say hello but he’s a little busy right now.”
More about the Sheriff later.

Good Girl Emily receives her letter from Santa! Howl much fun!

December 12th, 2009 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Santa’s Helpers Lovers! Wow, Good Girl Emily receives her letter from Santa and she could not be more excited. I know exactly howl she feels because I have helped Santa for years. I was at the PO with Emily’s letter and a woman with her young son were behind me. The woman was looking over my shoulder and she made this comment, “You have such beautiful printing.”


I turned around and looked at her and her son was staring up at me, and said, “Oh, that is not my printing, that is Santa’s printing. I am one of Santa’s helpers in Northern Kentucky.” Well, you would have thought that little boy’s jaw could not open any wider. It was so cute. The Mom said, “See, you did not want to come with me to the PO and now look who we met.” He was so excited and it really made us all very happy, including our Emily!


Everyone get’s a free blank Lily greeting card as well!


Emily reads her letter with glee!


Emily is showing us the picture of Santa that Ms. Claus drew for the children to color. Ms. Claus is such a good artist.


Here is Emily’s basset, Monty. He is a volunteer for Basset Hound Rescue. Monty opens up his home to foster basset hounds. He is a true ambassetor for rescue!

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Peter is the Dad person who took these pics for us to enjoy. Jody is the Mom person who lovess to foster as well. Have a great day picking out your tree.

More loving foster families later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Want to order your own letter from Santa? Click the box at the top of my blog and learn how to do just that! Ho, Ho, Ho!

Look what I just found on Google….. World’s most expensive dog!

December 12th, 2009 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Tibetan Mastiff Lovers: I was googling around the internet this morning. I was half listening to the Today show and they were talking about a story they were going to cover but I did not catch when. It will probably be on tomorrow. It is about a 150 pound English Mastiff that gave birth to 20 pups. Of course, I was interested because of Romeo. Anyway, when I googled, Today show English Mastiff Mom gives birth to 20 pups, this story came up and I had to share with my dear readers.

The world’s most expensive dog cost $582,000
A Tibetan Mastiff now holds the title after being sold to a woman in China

September 2009

A woman, identified by only the surname Wang, poses with her $582,000 dog as they are greeted by a convoy of 30 black Mercedes-Benz cars at the airport in Xi’an, in China’s Shaanxi province, on September 9, 2009.


It sounds like a shaggy dog story, but it isn’t. A Tibetan Mastiff is believed to have broken the record as the world’s most expensive dog sold to a young Chinese millionaire for a mind-blowing $582,000.

The owner, known only as Ms. Wang, traveled to Qinghai province of northwest China to purchase the 18-month old dog, named Yangtze River Number Two.

Yangtze came home to an A-List entrance at Xi’an airport in China’s Shaanxi province, where he was reportedly greeted by hordes of dog lovers and picked up on Wednesday by a motorcade of 30 black Mercedes-Benz cars.

“Gold has a price, but this Tibetan Mastiff doesn’t,” she was quoted as saying to Chinese publications.

Tibetan Mastiffs, a fairly rare breed, typically cost about $2,000 in the West, but are more expensive in China where they are valued for their skills as guard dogs.

Ms. Wang has plans to mate Yangtze with another Tibetan Mastiff that she owns, according to Chinese reports.

A family in Florida previously held the record, paying $155,000 for a Labrador named Lancelot Encore, cloned from their dead dog, Lancelot.

End of article…

I am taking it that there is no Tibeten Mastiff rescues in China! LOL

More odd stories from the East later…….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma both worth about a zillion dollars a piece.

Wow! Check this out!

December 11th, 2009 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Owe Lovers! Can you believe this? Just crossing the wires is this story about Beryl and Wol!

Beryl and Wol

Beryl and Wol have become inseparable friends

Beryl and Wol have become inseparable friends

A 16 year old Bassett Hound and a four year old Owl have struck up an unusual friendship in an animal refuge in England. Their owner, Sara Ross, noticed that imagesthey both liked to watch television with her in the evenings and images-2before she knew it they were curling up together. “They are both rescue animals and they’re like best buddies. Wol needs full-time care and one day I was giving him a bit of exercise and he just plonked down on Beryl’s back. She doesn’t mind, she’s really laid back and a bit of a pussycat really.” Sara said. “Beryl didn’t mind at all and now you can’t keep them apart.”

More best friends later, Love Cat, Chaps and Emma

Trisha, basset hound town resident shares a local ad:)

December 11th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Local Ad Lovers! I had to crack up when I opened up this e-mail from basset hound town resident, Trisha!


I just love stuff like this. Thank you Trisha for sharing with all of our residents. I bet Tire Pros never thought that they would hit the WWW in this fashion! LOL

More rolling down the road later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Never give up!

December 11th, 2009 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Never Giving Up Lovers: Well, after spending about 10 hours with 5 different Techies from Apple I think, paws crossed, I finally found someone that helped me load pictures into IPhoto via my old camera! I cannot tell you howl delighted I am with this outcome. It just goes to show you, Never Give Up! The problem was actually in the photo card itself. The last guy I talked to figured it out because he had heard of the problem before. Techie guy, I LOVE YOU!

So, I had to take a few test shots of course. Here is the first subject in her natural environment. Her nesting technique was a bit off this morning.


And our next subject is no stranger to his fans…..The Mayor with his frog…..


“Hi Mommy, I was wondering why you were not taking a zillion pictures of me every second!”

More Never Giving UP later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma wants a treat from Mommy!

December 10th, 2009 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Loving our Emma Lovers! Can you believe howl cute our Emma is tonight? That face gets me thousands times a day!

She has that same point that Chaps did in his geometric posting.


Our Emma tells me when it is eating time with wild abandoned. She loves to tuck next to me as we sleep. She is the best girl ever!

Living with a blind hound is a way to see.

More seeing later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Yipeeeee! The Basset Hound Walkers of England are back with the ever wonderful narrator!

December 10th, 2009 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Basset Hound Walking lovers! OMG I just love this club in England. They have the coolest walks and so much fun. I would be in complete heaven. If I ever make to England again I am looking up these fun folks.

OMG! Look at the hounds going under the fence. What a hoot! I love hounds on the Quantocks. Just bassetabulous!

More walks later you can rest assured!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Facebook find of the day! Toll-free hot line for Reporting Puppy Mills Launched!

December 10th, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Puppy Mill Haters! I am certainly one of those. I was just checking out FB and ran across this important update from Daddy, Cesar Millan’s Sr. Pit Bull.


Daddy always has good updates this one is not only good but very important to keep in your address books.


I just called and you get a recorded message that will allow you to leave the information you have on the puppy mill you are reporting.

If you’ve ever suspected a breeder of running a puppy mill, there’s now a toll-free hotline you can call to report it: 1-877-MILL-TIP. The Humane Society of the United States, who launched the hotline on Friday, December 4, hopes it will help free more dogs from the abusive conditions at these illegal breeding facilities.

“Puppy mills are a national scourge,” said Justin Scally, manager of The HSUS’ Wilde Puppy Mill Task Force. “Hundreds of thousands of dogs across the country are trapped in constant confinement their entire lives, producing puppies to profit the puppy mill owner. This tip line will be a vital tool to help free these dogs from a life of abuse.”

The Wilde Puppy Mill Task Force investigates puppy mills and works with law enforcement, animal shelters, and other agencies to stop abuse and to ensure enforcement of existing laws. The task force also provides expert guidance to local, state, and federal agencies in the prosecution of animal abusers as it relates to the operation of puppy mills. Since its launch in June, the Task Force has assisted in the rescue of more than 1,200 dogs and puppies from abusive situations at puppy mills.

If you have any information to share about possible puppy mills in your area, make a difference by speaking out!

Why You Should Avoid Puppy Mills

How to Avoid Puppy Mills

Puppy Mill owners are the scum of the earth. You just know they don’t pay taxes on all of their sales either. The entire thing is a nightmare.

Let’s help the helpless….

More hating Millers later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Basset Hound Town resident, Sophie checks in from the Upper Peninsula

December 10th, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and freezing cold hound dog lovers: Basset Hound Town resident, Sophie checks in from the Upper Peninsula of MI. Her Mommy, Kerry sent this shot in yesterday for us!


Burrrrrrrr. That looks cold little girl. Look at those ears flapping in the wind. Looks like Nell, the Sussix was smart and stayed inside with Mommy.

Let us know howl you are doing Kerry.

More UP, MI news later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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