Is the Mayor a study in architectural design?

December 9th, 2009 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and looking at the Mayor as an architectural design. Do any of our dear residents see the architecture in this photo?


The Mayor just looks so geometrical. Look at those lines! I just love my big beautiful boy! He really is a piece of art and architecture!

I think I tell him about 30 times a day howl beautiful he is. The Mayor, designed by love!

More loving architectural designs later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

It was just too much for Stanley to overcome:( He will make his trip to the bridge today.

December 9th, 2009 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and following Stanley lovers: This just in from Susan via Marilyn at HOP.

Dog Speed sweet Stanley. Dog Speed…….


“Stanley took a very bad turn overnight. The bacteria is in his stomach, causing necrosis of the stomach and probably his bowels, too. Surgery would just be too much to put him through as they’d have to remove parts of his stomach and bowels. He’s in a lot of pain but they are giving him pain meds until she can get there to be with him. She’s leaving work right now to be there when he makes his journey to the Bridge. Please light a candle and keep them in your thoughts today.”


Our candle will be lit all day in honor of Stanley. He sure was lucky to meet the Hoppers and Susan during the final weeks of his life.

More remembering Stanley later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Ah…look at this holiday hound!

December 8th, 2009 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Holiday Hound Lovers: OK, howl about this hound in it’s holiday get up from last year.

I am not sure if this is Cherry or Cassidy, but I am pretty sure it is Cassidy.


Cassidy belongs to my friend Karen who also has Chaps Daddy! Why oh why does she has to live so far away.

More wishing I could hug her hounds later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Did I ever show you this picture of Grandma?

December 7th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Grandma lovers! I was just wondering if I ever showed my dear readers this wonderful picture of Grandma. She is such a beautiful gal. This picture was taken about 8 years ago I think.

queen teeter

We were at a really fancy Hotel in Louisville, KY called the Brown. We love to travel over to Louisville have a nice lunch. Of course we get the KY Hot Brown!

More dressing the part later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Our Stanley still needs drool……

December 7th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time


Stanley is back in ICU with uremic tongue necrosis (a very VERY nasty complication that is quite rare). Leave it to my boy to contract a rare problem. He seemed to be feeling so good on Saturday and even Sunday morning, but when I noticed his incredibly painful looking tongue, I knew it was not good.

Long story short — he cannot eat at all and has been in pain as his tongue tissue slowly dies. So today they inserted a feeding tube, which he will rely on for several weeks until the tongue can begin to heal and he can learn to use the remaining vital portions again (a dog needs to manipulate his food with his tongue — the loss of that ability can be fatal). I was terrified of the surgery to insert the tube (anesthesia for a pup so weakened and ill is scary), but he came through okay thus far. The vet removed as much of the dead tissue as feasible, and the rest will need to slough off in time. It’s just heartbreaking.

I’m hoping he will be able to come home Thursday… after I get lessons in changing his bandages around the tube, how to give the chlorohexidine rinses he needs and of course feeding tube training. I know you of all people (after sweet Emma’s recuperation) understand how scary it can be to know that you have to provide extensive nursing care for your furbaby. But all I want is for my sweet boy to come HOME.


Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Stanley lovers: Well, it appears that our Stanley is still suffering from several issues. I am waiting for my next update. Stanley now has some tongue necrosis. It could have something to do with his kidney function. Let’s all keep the drool flowing for this pretty boy who finally got a great break and found House of Puddles and then Susan.

Please enjoy these wonderful picture of our boy.





Susan states,

“Right before Thanksgiving (and all of his health issues), I took Mr. Stanley to a fundraiser for NOVA Spca — a photo shoot with a local dog photographer. Here are the shots I got of Stanley — they arrived yesterday. I want this handsome puppy back.”

Oh, we hope you get him back real soon Susan. Poor, poor boy….

More drooling for Stanley later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

I am having camera withdraw:(

December 7th, 2009 - 10:10 am KY Time

UPDATE – 5:00pm KY time. I was on the phone with Apple for 2.5 hours today trying to get my camera to work with my new MacBook Pro. I am so upset. I don’t want to buy a new camera but I will if I have to. My wonderful website guy will be back this week to look into the situation. If he can’t fix it, no one can.

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and camera lovers! Well, I was dismayed to find out over the weekend that I cannot transfer pictures from my current camera to my IPhoto file. I have not given up yet, I have been watching the clock and waiting for 6:00am Pacific Time when I can call customer support and talk to a real live human bean! Yes! A human BEAN! HEHEHE

So, as I wait and suffer through withdraw I will select a picture from the old file for your viewing pleasure!

It’s an art shot of the Mayor!


What time is it any howl in the Pacific?

More art shots later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

I am not sending out Holiday cards this year.

December 6th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Holiday Card Lovers.

I am certainly one of them. I truly loved every year that I designed holiday cards and spent hours and hours on them. This year I am just not doing it. In the past I had a graphic designer help me bring my designs to life but the cost of doing that was just not worth it this year. Instead, I decided to do the Santa letters to benefit the House of Puddles. It has been way more fun! So far, the Santa Letters (which you can see at the top of this blog) have raised about a 100 dollars. That my dear readers is a lot of sugar plums!

Speaking of which, here is my 2005 Holiday card for your viewing pleasure!

2005 Christmas card

If you notice in the sky, that is my 2002 Holiday card. Grandpa is Santa and the sleigh is being pulled by reindogs that I love.

I will show that later.

So, if you want to send me a card please do this instead. Put a dollar in the mail to the House of Puddles. Save your card and save an elder!

House of Puddles, Inc.
4422 Reels Mill Rd.
Frederick, Md. 21704

Ahhhhhhhhhhh………Heart warming.

More past cards later for your viewing pleasure….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Eckhart Tolle and Patrick McDonnell present – Guardians of Being

December 5th, 2009 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Guardians of Being Lovers: I blogged about this book awhile back as a great gift item for your holiday shopping pleasure. I just wanted to mention it again. It is just so sweet and kind.

Words by Eckhart Tolle. Art by Patrick McDonnell.

“Guardians of Being” is a heartwarming, new and original Eckhart Tolle book honoring pets that pairs his spiritual quotes with charming, sweet illustrations by the creator of the “MUTTS” comic strip.The enchanting and whimsical collaboration celebrates Tolle’s and McDonnell’s love for animals, nature, and the energy of life around us, and it is also a gentle reminder of how just “being” and enjoying the beauty of “now” can bring us happiness and peace.



It’s on sale on Amazon.


More shopping tips later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Apple G5 Gina passed away in her sleep last night…..

December 5th, 2009 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Gina Lovers:

She was a good girl and worked hard for basset hounds all over the world, but last night, in her sleep, Gina peacefully passed into the great beyond. Gina died of Motherboard failure and her last words were, “Default Catch Code 1800”, which means goodbye cruel world. Gina is survived by her younger sister, Tina, a MacBook pro. She will assume her sister’s causes and passion for helping homeless basset hounds!

Instead of sending flowers please make a donation to your favorite basset hound charity in her honor.


Here is Emma in the next cubicle over from Gina.


More office news later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Have you seen the Target commercial with the basset hound in it?

December 4th, 2009 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and commercials with bassets in them lovers! I had not seen the commercial in question but I just ran across it on YouTube. Here it is for your viewing pleasure!

More tubes later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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