Today is the last day to buy your holiday raffle tickets for House of Puddles!

December 4th, 2009 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Hellow Fellow Basset Hound and wanting to buy raffle ticket lovers:

Friday is the LAST DAY of Our Holiday Raffle

Time is running out, the raffle ends Friday, December 4th at midnight PST. The Hoppers are getting so excited for their big day on Saturday, when they’ll be drawing the winning tickets, all caught on video. Who doesn’t want to see a bunch of old basset hounds sticking their heads in a paper bag? You know you’ll feel guilty watching if you didn’t buy any tickets, so please get yours now!

We’ve got a ton of wonderful gifts in our Holiday Raffle – coffee, wine, hand-painted Karin Smith creations, a quilt, giant Hushpuppy, basset hound books and puzzles, a gardener’s basket and much more. And every dollar you spend helps to pay for the care of our senior hounds.

We’ve been maintaining 20 or more senior hounds for most of the year, eleven of which came to HOP in the last six months, five of them just since the end of September. Initial vet costs on neglected old dogs are huge! Bad teeth, bad ears, bad eyes, lumps, bumps, heartworms, you name it. We get these seniors healthy and feeling good again and let them enjoy their retirement years, but we can only do it with your help. Please visit our raffle. We’re grateful for any amount of tickets you can buy.

House of Puddles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing lifetime care and love to homeless senior basset hounds who have no place else to go. Please visit us at If you would like to help us provide veterinary care, food and other necessities, please donate or buy a support bracelet.

More buying raffle tickets later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Poor Stanley – Himz was very ill but on the mend!

December 4th, 2009 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and remember Stanley lovers? This link will help you remember himz.


Well, apparently Mr. Lover took a bad turn over the past several days and wound up in the emergency room. What a scare. Things seem to be moving slowing in a positive direction as Susan reports…..

It’s slow going, but Stanley appears to be headed in the right direction finally. He is eating (vet saw him with his nose in the dish at 1 pm). We won’t have updated bloodwork til morning, but he is more alert than when admitted and looks LOADS better. The urine culture has not come back, but the in-house reading shows a large number of growing organisms, which is leading the vet to think he somehow picked up a nasty infection. When the urine culture comes back, they’ll have a better idea of the particular bacteria and can adjust the antibiotics if necessary. What he’s on appears to be working, and he is still hinting that he may be able to come home Saturday, which is fantastic news to me.

It’s possible he may have the best scenario — a bad kidney infection. If that’s the case, he can make a full recovery without long-term kidney complications. It’s too soon to tell for sure, but I’m going to keep all fingers and paws crossed. Thanks for the drool and good thoughts. Here are a few pix of my sweet boy from this morning’s visit. The neck bandage is covering the port they had to put in to make it easier to administer the fluids and draw blood.





Susan goes on to say………

“Keep the drool flowing — it may be slowly working.

I just talked with the vet and am going in to see Mr. Stanley in about a half hour. His kidney values have improved modestly, and he actually ate a little something overnight (which is HUGE in my book). They decided to hold off on the feeding tube (which goes down their nose and is not pleasant) since he seems to be responding to food. I called Marilyn and she thinks he knows what may be coming so he is eating to avoid that nasty old tube LOL! Oh, and he was sitting up and alert in his crate when the vet came in this morning — a departure from how he has been previously (what the vet described as “curled up in a pitiful basset ball”).

I’m cautious, but the vet was considerably more optimistic this morning than he was last night. The Addison’s test came back negative (so we know that is not the culprit). They are leaning still toward Leptospirosis, but we won’t know for sure til next week. If his blood levels continue to improve, he may be able to come home on Saturday. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high — but I’m doing a crazy hopeful dance inside.

Thanks for letting me ramble. I’ll update more after I’ve visited. I’m taking in the “big guns” for this visit –Grandma, who drove down to help if needed. He always wags for Grandma (he followed her around when we visited her house over the holiday).”

Susan, you poor thing. What a number to be dealt with right after himz comes to his forever home. It reminds me of when I brought Chaps home from TX and we wound up in the ER within days. I thought I was going to lose him. He was so sick.

We are thinking about you and slinging all kinds of drool for Mr. Stanley. Tell your Mommy Hi from us. We really love her.

More drooling for Stanley later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Arizona Basset Hound Rescue launches Desert Hound Winery – order by Dec 16th for your holiday shopping!

December 4th, 2009 - 11:11 am KY Time

Hollow Fellow Basset Hound and wine drinking lovers! I just received this over the wires and I had to share!

Arizona Basset Hound Rescue, Inc. provides veterinary care, food, support, and shelter to Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds and Basset Hound mixes needing assistance in Arizona. We treat these animals as our own, with the utmost care and respect and make decisions based on compassion for the quality of life these Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds and Basset Hound mixes will enjoy while in our care. Share a bottle of wine and share our story. To learn more, please visit



Pinoze to the Ground Noir

Aroooovignon Blanc

Swing Low Sweet Merlow

Counter Crusin Cabernet featuring my Joanie and Herbie

Baying Chardonnay

Waggin’ White Wine

More helping you shop for a cause later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

website guy transfering files!

December 3rd, 2009 - 9:09 pm KY Time



hound love!

Lap Top vs “Lap Top”…..

December 3rd, 2009 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Lap Top Lovers: Well, I can now say I am one of those! As you can see my Lap Top is still on it’s reality show. Yesterday a fine FedEX guy showed up right on schedule. It was not my usual guy!!!


Ah, a Lap Top and a smile, what a way to start the day! I should have taken a picture of the fog on my front door from all of the pressing my nose against it.

The Mayor had to oversee the process of opening his new office….


Here is the box it comes in. I thought you might find it interesting how Apple packs this item. It comes in a small, thick, card board suitcase thing that has a foam lining.



Then, I turned off the lights to get this picture and the Mayor fell asleep.


Chaps thinks that he is the only Lap Top that Mommy needs. Come on Mommy, quit staring at those funny lights and lets cuddle!

Cat & hounds

More loving Lap Tops later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Here we are, waiting by the window!

December 2nd, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and waiting by the window lovers! Well, today is the day that the new laptop will arrive. I looked at the tracking number this morning at about 6:00am and it arrived at the local FedEx hub at 4:25 this morning! Then I just checked again and at 6:50am it was put on the FedEx truck! OMG! My laptop should have it’s own reality show! LOL…….I wonder where it will have lunch?

So, anyway, we are waiting by the window!


“Mommy, why are you pacing?”


“Mommy, I have an idea….You come back inside and I will get on top of your lap. That would be better than a stupid silver box anyday!”

More lap dog thoughts later…..Love, Cat, Chaps, Emma, Enzo and Romeo!

Santa just e-mailed the Mayor!

December 1st, 2009 - 3:03 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Santa Lovers! Well, Chaps just received an e-mail from Santa. Santa wanted to show the Mayor his new website.

Welcome to NORAD Tracks Santa

Chaps has also learned that Santa will be stopping at the House of Puddles first on Christmas Eve. Santa knows the elders will be in bed early and he can let the reindeer graze in the fenced in back yard area.

Here is a picture of where he lands. This picture was taken in the spring. I think Marilyn provides some hay as well.


Santa and the reindeer love the huge Christmas tree in the yard.

More Santa updates as the time draws closer……Love, Cat, Chaps, Emma, Enzo, and Romeo!

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