February 11th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and why were you late for work lovers?

Do you always tell the truth? Or do you have a little white lie? When I worked at General Electric I had a few white lies and I will admit it!

Here are a few…

My electric went off.

My street was not plowed of the snow.

I had to run my dog to the vet.

I stopped for bagels but I forgot my money and had to run home. (This one actually requires bringing bagels in)!

Oh the list goes on and on.

But what about this one!

I had to wait for a herd of Elk to cross the road. Not good. Who would believe that?

Go ahead, you can add it to your list now! LOL!

More elk crossing roads in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado later! Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. February 11th, 2010 | 9:30 pm

    Yesterday it was logs across the road (a log truck took a curve too fast … what a mess). Blocked the road, took out the guard rail for about 100 feet. Still cleaning up the mess there today. Unfortunately, it blocked me at work and not at home!

  2. lois
    February 12th, 2010 | 3:49 am

    when you work in the national parks…its a valid excuse!


    moose, coyote,mama skunk & the skunkettes, porcupines, sea turtles, once & a while after severe storms newly uncovered shipwrecks, wayward whale, manatee, tourist ferry was full, high tide, ice bergs in the harbor, fog, liberty weekend & thousands of boats making passage impossible by park boat, security closure due to whatever (dignitary, terrorist activity etc) ……

    commuting was never dull (except for that stretch i did going from long island to liberty island..2 states, 4 bororoughs, and 3 counties..every day…that sucked…)

  3. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 12th, 2010 | 9:39 am

    and the herd was still crossing! Wonder how long it took? That’s so cool that everybody just waited patiently. Here in the Houston area they’d expect the Elk to wait for us!

    I’m a stickler for being on time and never call in sick. So, when I was living at home I was semi spoiled as my Dad would open up my side of the garage for me. Back then there wasn’t such a thing as electric garage door openers. One morning he didn’t open the door for me but his side was open. I glanced back, saw his side open and I guess I imagined in my mind that it was my side or something and I backed out and plowed in to the garage door. I had on a skirt, nice shirt, hose and heels. My Mom comes running out wondering what in the world happened. Then when she saw I was ok she went back inside. Well, I still had to get to work but now I’ve demolished the garage door and now I’m stuck in the garage unless I back on out and mess up my car. Not wanting to do that I went inside, changed in to some jeans and came back out and proceeded to dismantle the garage door, piece by piece, board by board, screw by screw. I called my boss and told her, “your never going to believe this but I can’t get to work until I dismantle the garage door because I didn’t open it and backed in to it”. She roared with laughter and told me to take as long as I wanted because that’s the best excuse for being late that she’s ever heard.

  4. MaureenandSlinky
    February 12th, 2010 | 11:02 am

    I wonder what was so good/great on the side the Elk were going to!

    When I worked at another company, I made it to work during a snowstorm (I was a little more than an hour late, and I made a point to allow more time), but I was the only women who made it in, and all the men were telling me to hurry up and make some coffee at the coffee stations.

    What Creeps!

  5. February 12th, 2010 | 12:05 pm

    Cindy – you’re in Houston? I’m coming to Houston the end of April for a conference!

  6. Cindy, Jethro, Rugby, Ozzie and Harriet
    February 12th, 2010 | 12:13 pm

    Are you really? I’m actually 20 miles south of Houston in LaMarque/Santa Fe area. About where in Houston are you going to be?

  7. February 12th, 2010 | 6:38 pm

    Hi Cindy – really! Not sure where in Houston yet – haven’t received the details yet. Would love to meet you and the houndies!

  8. February 12th, 2010 | 6:41 pm

    Hey – Cindy, Kerry I smell a blog posting! You better take your cameras!

  9. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 12th, 2010 | 7:19 pm

    That sounds like fun Kerry! When you find out the details let me know. How about meeting at a dog park? I’ll load all 4 up and you’ll get plenty of houndy kisses! There’s dog parks all over Houston and I have to burn some vacation time anyway. So, any day is good. I’ll take off and meet ya.

    Ok, Cat, I guess we can take some pics. Ha!

  10. February 12th, 2010 | 7:42 pm

    Hey! Maybe I was smelling a blog post of my own for OneMom! I suppose we could share some photos with Basset Hound Town!

  11. February 12th, 2010 | 7:42 pm


  12. February 12th, 2010 | 8:25 pm

    hehehehe Kerry! I am willing to share!


  13. February 12th, 2010 | 8:52 pm

    I have not been looking forward to this trip for work, but if I get to meet Cindy and Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet

  14. February 12th, 2010 | 8:53 pm

    (would help if I would finish my thought before clicking submit) ….

    …. anyway, if I get to get all those Texas hound kisses, that will make the trip so much better!

  15. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 13th, 2010 | 8:51 am

    Kerry, my e-mail address is shastajet@aol.com. Drop me a line as you get more info. I’ll search for the nearest dog park for us to meet and we can exchange cell numbers. I can’t wait!

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