Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and loving our Trooper update lovers! I have received so many e-mails asking about our Trooper. We all love himz so much. So, here is another report of good news in bassethoundtown! I just love good news!
Trooper’s Foster Mommy reports,
“Trooper is a precious and playful boy. His loyalty and “velcro” personality are emerging more and more as he feels better. His foster brothers and sister have fully welcomed him into their pack – and routinely give him kisses and engage in play. He has found his voice as well and chimes in with the others on their quest to chase squirrels in the backyard. I get such a warm feeling when I watch him run and joyfully play with the others because I remember his close brush with death only three months ago. His poor teeth are badly damaged – worn down into sharp points and some are broken off or worn down literally into nubs (presumably when he chewed his way out of a metal cage) – and so our dogs are forgiving but wary of his playful nips that can be painful.
He loves to eat and is now in his normal weight range. He has new soft hair all over and is becoming more handsome by the day. He has beautiful classic Basset ears and such an adorable face – especially when he cocks his head to the side as he tries to understand what we say to him. He is completely housebroken, walks well on a leash (because he wants nothing more than to stay next to you), and he rides well in a car. Now that he has discovered belly rubs and he is able to roll on his back completely, he is the belly rub King! It is so cute to watch him enjoy them as he sighs with ecstasy!
His eyes are still irritated and continue to make it somewhat difficult for him to see well – although he doesn’t run into walls or trees anymore. He has residual crusting and discharge for which we have been through topical and systemic antibiotics for weeks now. We have a consultation this weekend to see if there is another problem going on. I am not sure if it is still a residual problem with mange, just a stubborn eye infection, or something as routine as allergies. He must be infection-free before the vet will allow him to undergo heartworm treatment. Finally, his teeth will be evaluated and treated for the best outcome possible given the circumstances. At that point, Trooper will have beaten the odds and his journey through his rehabilitation will be complete.

I want to thank all of his guardian angels for remembering him and keeping him in their prayers. This grateful and loving boy is so deserving of the second chance that all of you have provided for him.
Take care and love to all,
Thank you so much dear Ann for updating all the Trooper fans in bassethoundtown. We will look forward to our next update and keep drooling for Trooper’s good health. He could not have improved so much without your tender care taking.
More looking forward later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma