April 29th, 2010 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wanting to win 25 free tickets to
House of Puddles Raffle! Well, do we have a contest for you!

The contest rules are simple. Guess howl many kibbles are in Emma’s dinner bowl.


The diameter of the bowl is 10”.


The height of the bowl is almost 3”.

Here is a closer look.


I am sending the total amount of kibble to Marilyn right now so she can be the keeper of the number.

The first person to guess the total will win 25 dollars towards the House of Puddles Raffle. All comments are time stamped so it will be easy. The person closest to the total will win if the total is not guessed. In the event of an over under tie the under will win, as in underdog.

This contest ends this Saturday, May the first at 3:30pm Kentucky time which is also known as dinner time at bassethoundtown!

So, while you are doing your higher mathematics you can enjoy this old YouTube from 2006!

The winner will be notified within seconds of the deadline. You can then tell me howl you want your raffle tickets applied and I will send Marilyn the doe in your name!

Good luck and may the best kibble guesser win! YES!

More rooting for House of Puddles raffle later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

OMG did you see that full moon last night?

April 29th, 2010 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and full moon lovers! I know I blog a fair amount about beautiful full moons, the ones in the sky and the ones on the ground, (hardy har har!).

Anyway, last night I was sitting on my couch with the Mayor and Emma. I was really enjoying their company just petting away and it was like a search light appeared in my window. Mind you, I always pull my drapes but last night I was so glad I did not. That moon was huge beyond belief. Actually blinding!


It was the biggest, brightest full moon of the year. Howl do I know that? I asked google after I took this picture! Last night’s moon has a name. Wolf Moon! Howl cool is that? Well, my hounds did not howl or even move. I was able to slip off the couch and back on with nary a stir.

We all slept with our moon beam blankets and awoke all ready for our morning walk, the full wolf moon gone for yet another year…….


More moom beam memories later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

This just in! An update from our Tropper!

April 28th, 2010 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and loving our Trooper update lovers! I have received so many e-mails asking about our Trooper. We all love himz so much. So, here is another report of good news in bassethoundtown! I just love good news!

Trooper’s Foster Mommy reports,

“Trooper is a precious and playful boy. His loyalty and “velcro” personality are emerging more and more as he feels better. His foster brothers and sister have fully welcomed him into their pack – and routinely give him kisses and engage in play. He has found his voice as well and chimes in with the others on their quest to chase squirrels in the backyard. I get such a warm feeling when I watch him run and joyfully play with the others because I remember his close brush with death only three months ago. His poor teeth are badly damaged – worn down into sharp points and some are broken off or worn down literally into nubs (presumably when he chewed his way out of a metal cage) – and so our dogs are forgiving but wary of his playful nips that can be painful.

He loves to eat and is now in his normal weight range. He has new soft hair all over and is becoming more handsome by the day. He has beautiful classic Basset ears and such an adorable face – especially when he cocks his head to the side as he tries to understand what we say to him. He is completely housebroken, walks well on a leash (because he wants nothing more than to stay next to you), and he rides well in a car. Now that he has discovered belly rubs and he is able to roll on his back completely, he is the belly rub King! It is so cute to watch him enjoy them as he sighs with ecstasy!

His eyes are still irritated and continue to make it somewhat difficult for him to see well – although he doesn’t run into walls or trees anymore. He has residual crusting and discharge for which we have been through topical and systemic antibiotics for weeks now. We have a consultation this weekend to see if there is another problem going on. I am not sure if it is still a residual problem with mange, just a stubborn eye infection, or something as routine as allergies. He must be infection-free before the vet will allow him to undergo heartworm treatment. Finally, his teeth will be evaluated and treated for the best outcome possible given the circumstances. At that point, Trooper will have beaten the odds and his journey through his rehabilitation will be complete.

Trooper in the Wildflowers

I want to thank all of his guardian angels for remembering him and keeping him in their prayers. This grateful and loving boy is so deserving of the second chance that all of you have provided for him.

Take care and love to all,


Thank you so much dear Ann for updating all the Trooper fans in bassethoundtown. We will look forward to our next update and keep drooling for Trooper’s good health. He could not have improved so much without your tender care taking.

More looking forward later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

My friend and fellow rescue buddie Chris Dowd was featured on her local TV Station for this story!

April 28th, 2010 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and flying hound lovers! Well, who is not one of those? This is such a cool story! The link will take you to KOAT channel 7 Albuquerque NM! Make sure you watch the video and see our friend Chris Dowd and Raine the flying pup!

Pilot Brings Puppy To NM For Care

“The pilot lives in a airplane community where planes are kept at houses and taxied down the street. I made very sure I was early – because I just had to see it!
Here is his house before the plane arrived:

The neighbor finally asked my why I was parked there taking pics. Don’t blame her – I’m sure I looked suspicious!

Here is the plane coming around the final curve to his house. All the street signs are about 18″ off the grount so the wings don’t hit them.

Another picture of the plane coming in.

The plane parked safely in the driveway!

Just about that time our local tv station arrived to do a story on pilotsnpaws and Raine. Here is Raine being “interviewed’

Just look at that face. The face of rescue folks!


I just love a good happy story! Just warms the ole heart!

Good job Chris of All Ears Basset Sanctuary. I cannot thank you enough for helping all of the Kentucky hounds in the past, present and I am sure in the future!

We love you in bassethoundtown!

More flying hounds later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Oh! An early nesting photo of our Emma!

April 27th, 2010 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Early Nesting Photos Of Our Emma! I found one circa 2006 that I thought we should share!


This was Emma building her nest right next to the window. I wonder if I should have named her Birdie!

More wondering later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps to be an honorary Brownie for a day!

April 27th, 2010 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Honorary Brownie for a day lovers……

In a few weeks Chaps has been invited to speak to a Brownie troop about dog rescue, dog safety and to read the Lily book! OMG!!!! This will be a dream come true for the Mayor, sitting amongst 30 little girls all fawning over him.

Since the Brownies are learning about dog rescue we are going to be showcasing House of Puddles and donating 100% of all sales of the Lily Book to the HopPers!

So, I wanted to show you what I just ordered for the Mayor from the Girl Scouts of America’s website. Actually, I ordered 2 of these….


One for him and one for me, or maybe Emma if I can swing her into the action.

I also ordered this. Do you think Chaps would wear it? I hope a size large fits himz! It was on sale!


If he hates it I will ditch the idea but it sure would make the girls happy.

If the vest sells Lily books he better buck up!



As soon as our package arrives I will try it on him and see what you guys think.

More modeling later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps is ready for Sunday night, TV night!

April 25th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sunday TV night lovers! Chaps has been ready for this since early this morning.


It’s almost 9:00pm, I wonder what is on the tube? Chaps is already asleep! Emma is in the big bed. I hope there is good Movie OnDemand. I think Crazy Heart is on but I am not sure. I better grab that remote in one hand and get petting with the other!

Have a great night residents!

More multi-tasking later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

The Mayor and Emma had special visitors!

April 24th, 2010 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and visitor lovers! Yesterday a very special friend and basset hound town resident BJ, her hubby Gary, and her step Mom June came to visit the kids all the way from Palm Springs CA!

We had so much fun. BJ’s hubby is a very famous artist and their first stop was Washington, DC. One of the paintings he did for the Pentagon was classified a casualty of war as it was destroyed in on 9/11. He was honored during the visit for his art work and his service to his county.


OMG! The Mayor and Emmers were in their element. The Mayor thought he was being honored and he was! He even went belly up for the group!

We had so much fun!

More having fun with residents later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

The Mayor wants to know what you are doing rignt now?

April 23rd, 2010 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and what are doing right now?

chaps sleeping

Oh, I am so tired, just go to beddie by.


More wondering what you are doing but too tired to check up on you! Snorrrrrrrr

Howl cool! I have a pic of me and Grandpa at the Great Wall!

April 23rd, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Great Wall lovers! This was before basset hounds were even a twinkle in our eyes! I thought you would like to see this picture! My dear Daddy and I loving the Great Wall of China! I love having this memory!


It brings tears of joy to my eyes. I knew at the time it was special, but now I know howl special.

More Great memories later….Love Cat

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