Dog tired;)

April 15th, 2010 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Dog tired lovers……The material I get with the kids is never ending. Today we took off early for our walk. It was going to heat up quick so we wanted to get out early and get our exercise in. We had a great walk and the hounds met 2 people along the way that stopped and said they either had a basset hound or their neighbor did. So funny.

So we were leaving the park and a guy with 2 beagles were passing us by in the fast lane. They moved really quick and it was a pretty sight. Those tails were high and the flags were flying. (white tip on top of tail)!

Sorry to go on and on but these beagles caused the kids to pull Grandma and I the entire way home. I mean to tell you I have never seen Chaps and Emma move so fast. It was really cool. You should have seen Chaps and Emma tracking those other hounds. Very cool. I sure wish I would have taken pictures. I had my camera. But I tell you what, I could barely hang on. Anyway, we got home and I did get these pictures. Notice the door knob? This is howl far they made it in before they collapsed.


One more……


Is this just too funny? I had to crack up.

More tales from the town later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Debbie and the Masterpiece Bassets
    April 15th, 2010 | 8:04 pm

    I have noticed with my hounds that when they see high spirits, it is catching! Emma and Chaps were not to be out done by these beagles!!! They had a power walk, now they need a power nap!

  2. April 15th, 2010 | 8:08 pm

    Debbie – I love it! “high spirits” You are spot on. Those beagles were moving. It looked like the guy walking them was on a skate board as they passed by. It was so entertaining! Beautiful beagles!

    BTW, the kids woke up for dinner and now they are back in bed! hehehe

  3. April 15th, 2010 | 9:23 pm

    I was walking Sophie recently and a couple people stopped me and said “oh such a pretty dog – my neighbor has a beagle like that, but not as pretty as yours”. As politely as I could I said “well, that’s because this is a basset hound”.

    Here we are in the home state of Hush Puppy shoes, and I am always amazed how many people have no idea what a basset hound is. They don’t even try to guess with Nell!

  4. lois
    April 15th, 2010 | 10:39 pm

    you should see the guesses that people come up with for cooper…it6s like sometimes people feel the need to come up with they have seen one to many dogs 101 show…i’m pretty good with breeds but not too proud to admit when i am stumped!

    yesterday at the park some lady insisted that a doodle was some rare form of french basset…oh wait..a “giant” form of a rare french basset no less..i’m like..”hello’s the same doodle dog you have ..only just a different coat & cut…” she is like no, its a basset…i know.

    yeah right. at almost 3′ tall at the head i doubt it was a me stupid..but…

  5. Maureen Halleran
    April 16th, 2010 | 10:10 am

    I think Bassets are like tug boats, since their center of gravity is different they can really pull.
    I know since Slinky is very curios and social it doesn’t take much to stimulate her, and get her moving.

    I love the idea of a power nap.

  6. Candy and Bailey
    April 16th, 2010 | 11:05 am

    Bailey’s nose in on track as soon as we get outside. All the neighbors know him. One man on the other side of our building waits for us each morning and comes out on his patio to say hi to Bailey. He says he knows all is safe with Bailey’s nose on the job. I don’t think I would know most of my neighbors without Bailey to break the ice. Our hounds are goodwell ambassadors.

  7. April 16th, 2010 | 11:14 am

    Candy – I totally agree with you. The smiles are worth the walk alone!

  8. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    April 17th, 2010 | 11:42 am

    That IS funny! All my bassets walk pretty good except my problem child. Yes, Jethro. When he’s tired he’s one of those bassets that sits down and there’s no way he’s moving until he’s good a ready. When I used to walk him with a collar and he’d do that, I didn’t know he’d stopped because he always trails behind and I’d keep walking and the collar would come right off of his neck. I’d be walking with the collar and leash in my hand. Ha! Luckily he just sits there so it’s no big deal. I walk over and put his collar back on and we wait. And wait. And wait…

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