Dora the Explora almost to her new home! House of Puddles!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new HoPper lovers! Dora (originally named Chore with a blog posting a few down) was safely transferred at Stafford and should be to Frederick Maryland/HOP within the hour! Her transporter, Sally sent this picture of her comfy set up! Dora is coming all the way from Florida!
Dora was Dumped by her owner. Dumped with not a good future due to her age:(
Thank goodness Marilyn was at the ready for our sweet explora!
Welcome home and to your new life sweet old girl. She is so pretty!
More loving pretty old girls later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Thank you Marilyn for taking in Dora. Also a BIG THANK YOU to those who transported the beautiful girl:) God Bless you all:)
Dora is a much better name than Chore. What a comfy ride she had on that leg of her journey! Thanks to everyone who helped her get to Marilyn.
Marilyn you are the absolute best, and Dora will be so happy at the HOP and I am sure all the houndies will make her welcome. How can someone “dump” abandon an animal! It is so cruel and there are so many other alternatives.
Dora! That was the name of one of my aunts.. A beautiful name for a beautiful girlie!! She is on her way to a life full of love:)
Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo