Just look at this cute birthday card Emma received from our Hannah!

April 23rd, 2010 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Hannah Lovers! Hannah is a basset hound town resident and I want to share the birthday card she drew for our Emma!

HomeSchool 005

Can you believe howl precious it is? Hannah’s Mommy writes….

“Hi Cat – I’m attaching a picture that Hannah drew for Emma’s birthday. Left to right it features Emma (it’s her birthday so she’s on the velvet stool), Nell, Sophie, and Chaps. They are all wearing party clothes, have kazoos, and each has a bowl of ice cream and their own spoon. Of course there are balloons too.”

OMG! This card just made our day! Emma sitting on a velvet pillow! Grandma and I talk about her needing one of those every day.

Here is Hannah at her home schooling desk. The Mayor looks over all of her work! He looks like the superintendent to me!

HomeSchool 009

Hannah and her Mom bought that photo in honor of our Trooper! I was told it is a treasured piece of art work in the class room! GOOD BOY!

Thank you girls! We love our residents that reside in the UP!

More loving Hannah and her fabulous art work later! Cat, Chaps and Emma….

P.S. This is Emma waiting for ice cream! She had about a tablespoon for her birthday!

Emma smiles for ice cream

Just look at that face!

LQQK at this picture I just found of the Mayor!

April 23rd, 2010 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and fun pictures of the Mayor Lovers! I think this picture was taking back in 2007. The Mayor looks like he has something on his mind????? What do you think?????

Chaps 2007

“I am your Mayor, Chaps Rudert”!

More wondering later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

I know alot of basset hound town residents subscribe to HOP newsletter! Don’t you just love it?

April 22nd, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and LOLHOP newsletter lovers! Well, Marilyn sent out a new one a few days ago and it was so cute! Did you read it?


I love all of the pictures. Look at this one of Buttermilk laying on a fellow HoPper! LOL


Marilyn is having her first ever volunteer day at HOP. Please mark you calendars! Read all about it in the current newsletter!

Oh and guess what? In the last newletter Marilyn showcased the Past Present and Future diamond pendant that was for sale in the HOP boutique on my website.


It sold that very night for 200.00! It was a donation to BHT during the Gold Rush! Yee Ha! Howl cool was that? Thanks Leslie, you will love it. She bought it in honor of her 2 Sr. basset hounds! Ahhhhhhhhh!

More good news and laughing out loud later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Our Emma wants to show you her 6th year old birthday picture!

April 21st, 2010 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma is 6 years old today lovers! Ah, our girl can not take a bad picture! Grandma and I picked this picture for her official birthday shot!


What a wonderful 6 years we have had together. The joy this little girl brings is a gift everyday. Just this morning she was rolling on her back and cooing like a dove. Right now she is barking at me for a treat!

That’s our Emma!

More birthday wishes later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

First picture ever taken of Emma – minutes old!

April 20th, 2010 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and First Picture of our Emma Lovers.
, aka Early Morning, Misty Air held true to her name and was born in the early morning misty air 6 years ago and, 7 hours from now. She was born exactly at 3:11am and was little first born. That just cracks me up! Just like Emma! She is always leading the way and her birth was no different!


She was probably hungry! I have to tell you that feeding time is the highlight of her life, twice a day. She barks like a mad woman! She can tell time!

Oh just look at her pretty body! My Mom, Dad and I thought that it looked liked she had a paw print on her back. We called her little paw print.

I actually fell asleep about midnight but woke up about 3:00am and e-mailed her breeders. They were in the process of delivering the litter. At this point I had no idea that Emma was mine. Thank Dog she turned out to be all of ours!

Born in the Early Morning Misty Air to a Mommy named Dawn’s First Light. Howl fitting indeed! I named her after her Mommy! Grandpa picked the name but I picked her title.

More loving our Birthday Girl later……Cat, Chaps and Birthday Girl!

6 years ago tonight our Emma was inside her Mommy!

April 20th, 2010 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma getting ready to enter the world 6 years ago lovers! Well, I thought you would like to see a picture of her Mommy, Dawn getting ready.


Look howl much she looks like our Emma. I was on pins and needles all night. I was so excited, I cannot even tell you. I did not sleep a wink.

I looked at this picture for hours. Grandma said it was like we were in the delivery room.

More about our little first born later…….Love, Cat, Chaps and Birthday Girl!

Dora made it to House of Puddles!

April 19th, 2010 - 12:12 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Welcome Dora Lovers!

Marilyn states,

“Welcome Dora! She made it through doggie introductions quite well, explored the house a bit, drank a little water, did not feel like eating, settled down next to me while I’m at the computer and is now snoring away. She is a sweet, quiet girl (at least for now, they all seem to start out that way. lol)”

Dora at HOP

Sleep well dear new girl! The best is yet to come!

Love you!

More loving you later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Dora the Explora almost to her new home! House of Puddles!

April 18th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new HoPper lovers! Dora (originally named Chore with a blog posting a few down) was safely transferred at Stafford and should be to Frederick Maryland/HOP within the hour! Her transporter, Sally sent this picture of her comfy set up! Dora is coming all the way from Florida!

Dora heading to HOP

Dora was Dumped by her owner. Dumped with not a good future due to her age:(
Thank goodness Marilyn was at the ready for our sweet explora!

Welcome home and to your new life sweet old girl. She is so pretty!

More loving pretty old girls later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps and Emma considered messy and an intimidation????

April 17th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and, What Ever, lovers! Today Grandma and I took the kids to the Historic Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum.


It was a beautiful day for a drive and we thought we could get some pictures of the kids in front of some totally stunning dog woods that we heard were in bloom.


Well, we did not get any pictures because some cemetery/arboretum cop, with lights, drove up and told us to leave.

OK, OK, no prob. We informed him that nowhere did we see any signs that no dogs were allowed on the grounds. He agreed that it would probably be a good idea to post that at the front gate, then handed us a flier!

The kids were just wanting a pet! It was the strangest thing. The grave yard cop was all ignoring the kids!

Then we were kicked out! Howl can anyone kick out those faces? Just look at the look on Emma’s face. She does not have a messy bone in her body.


Look at Chaps, he was smiling. Goodness gracious, those looks just want to make me cry. All we wanted to do was enjoy some beautiful old dog woods.

Here is what the flier said……..

“One of Spring Grove’s goals is to provide a safe, memorable atmosphere for our property owners and visitors who come to visit loved ones, meditate, or simply walk through the grounds and enjoy nature.

Pets, particularly dogs, can be a nuisance and a possible threat to others. They can cause a disruption to the day-to-day visitation and on-going burial services. Some pets, even the friendliest, can be a source of intimidation to visitors who are not familiar or comfortable with pets. In addition, pets can be messy, which is an unpleasant experience for those who have come to enjoy the beauty and serenity of the grounds.

To ensure a safe, enjoyable experience, pets are not permitted on the grounds.
We thank you for your cooperation in leaving your pets at home.”


Could they have not just posted a NO PETS sign at the gate? Obviously the person who wrote that flier does not care for dogs, AKA filthy creatures!

We laughed all the way home! It really was quite funny!

More, knowing that Chaps and Emma are not messy or an intimidation later……
Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma.

P.S. Grandpa would hate that place!

Keeping with the theme of Emma’s upcoming 6th birthday……

April 17th, 2010 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Birthday Theme Lovers….

I have been reviewing all of Emma’s birthday pictures from years past and I just had to share this one. It is Emma turning 3 years old.

Emma's 3rd B-Day2

I totally forgot about it. I had to laugh because it is just like the Mayor to horn in on the shot! This one could be in the running as one of my all time favorite birthday pictures. This 1 and 5 others! ROFLOL!

More 3 year ago memories later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Enma

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