I was kinda taken a back today…..

April 10th, 2010 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and taken a back lovers….

We were out with the kids today in our yard and a few neighbors happened by. We were talking about our yards, flowers, and the hounds. Someone asked howl old Chaps was and my Mom said, “he is going to be 70 this year.” I just looked at her so funny.


She said. “I like referring to hounds as their real age, not their dog age.”

It just took me off guard. 10 sounds old, but 70 sounds a lot older.

I am glad I had sunglasses on because I teared up a bit. 70 years old? Where does the time go?

More real ages later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Spring is invading our home and attacking our Emma!

April 10th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Spring Time lovers…..Well, we are all Spring Time Lovers, but not lovers of pollen. I love open windows just like the next open window person but it is getting out of control for our Emmers.

The kids were clearly not happy when I had to de-pollen the house today! I love my gates. I invested in them rather than obedience classes. I view them as artwork!


I just noticed that my walls are the same color as the Pollen!

Oh Emmers…….

She is actually doing much better today. I furminated about 3 buckets of hair off of both her and the Mayor!

It seems we can all breath easier! Spring time and the breathing is easy!

More easy breathing later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. the windows are closed due to a frost alert! Yipeeeeeeeeee

I believe that there are more families like this than the one mentioned earlier!

April 9th, 2010 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and families like this lovers….

I believe that there are more good folks than bad, after all look at all of the residents of basset hound town. That other blog I just did got my goat and then I saw this. Just watch this Tube and smile.

More loving Tanky’s family later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

The ultimate in irresponsible pet ownership!

April 9th, 2010 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and shaking your head at the utmost stupidity in some people wonderers????? Not going to use the word lovers here at all.

So here is the AD….. BASSET HOUND FOR SALE – 200.001842435

“loveable basset hound. Big baby who loves kids and laying around the house. Has all first year shots. He is housebroken and will not poo in the house but still occasionally will ‘mark’ his territory. He has not been fixed but that would likely resolve any lingering issues. We recently added a new baby to our family and are unable to give Weebles the attention he deserves but we hope you can!”

She hopes we can? Now you know why most Basset Hound Rescues won’t take owner surrenders. It’s like dealing with weeds in your back yard. Always rearing their ugly heads.

You cannot make this stuff up. Let’s hope Weebles gets out of this place.


OK this rocks for brains does not neuter her dog. (Remember she is however, procreating, joy of joys, imagine that kid on the playground).

She hopes you can help because she popped a kid out?

This my friends is the epitome of what makes my blood boil. Howl does this lady have the galls to actually put this on the internet? She even says that he loves kids.

You do not know what I want to say right now. Her phone number is on the ad but I did not put it here.

You can read everything you need to know about this person in 5 pathetic line.

Gosh I hope this hound gets out of that cesspool.

Oh, one more thing. The next news alert I got was asking for money for basset hound rescue. It is like shoving sand against the tide.


Hopefully not more of this later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Ugh……Taxes:( Do you need a deduction?

April 8th, 2010 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and needing another deduction lovers?

If you are looking for another one, look no further!



Try it! You will like it! So will we!

More loving your deductions later! The HoPpers, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Old gal needs a lift to House of Puddles……

April 8th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and old girl lovers. I know I am one of those!

This old gal needs a lift to House of Puddles. Her name is Chore.


Here is her run sheet leaving from Ft. Lauderdale, FL on Sat, April 17th.


I am not on the transport corridor, but the transport coordinator and Marilyn are asking for Crossposting!

I love transports. They are very rewarding and a lot of fun. See if you are on the route! If not, pass this blog posting along. Click on the blog title and drag it into your e-mail or forum. That way just this blog posting will be crossposted.

I know that Tanya (transport coordinator), Chore and Marilyn would really appreciate it!

Howl cute is Chore?

More helping an old gal get a ride later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma pitches a pup tent!

April 8th, 2010 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Bassest Hound and Pup Tent Lovers…..

Now that the weather is getting warmer I am trying to break Emma a little bit from baking herself underneath a hot comforter for her naps. So, I went in to check on her today and she was under the summer blankee I gave her. I wanted to add some air for circulation because the window was open.


I had to laugh, I thought it looked like she was in a pup tent. I had laid the corner of the blankee on the couch arm.


She did not seem to mind.

Chaps was wondering if there was room for 2 pups?


Look at his face. “Mommy why did you do that?” He always looks so concerned.

More pitching tents in our living room later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Haiku du u?

April 7th, 2010 - 3:03 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Haiku lovers!



Tails Logo

Ginny Tata Phillips is a force of nature. The co-author of Dogku, Bassetku, Petku, and most recently Resku books of haiku poems about dogs and shelter rescues has a vivacious personality more akin to a cruise director or Disney tour guide than to a solitary writer. It’s hard to picture Phillips working in isolation for very long. “But then, I’m not,” she explains, pointing to the four basset hounds and one 10-year-old dachshund that inhabit her household. And this doesn’t include the rest of her menagerie of cats, birds, turtles, and fish.

In another life, Phillips owned a booming doggy daycare and boarding facility in California, work which introduced her to the rescue’ business. Her customers would drop off or leave animals they could no longer care for or didn’t want anymore. Since that time, Phillips has been keenly aware of the needs of rescue agencies. She and writing partner Diane Grindol donate a portion of the monies they receive from the sales of Resku to shelter and adoption groups. In particular, Phillips supports House of Puddles (www.houseofpuddles.org) and Senior Hounds Abound (www.seniorhoundsabound.org) because of their devotion to what else? Basset Hounds!

Other than her human family, Phillips loves her animals (maybe, especially the bassets). Her senior sweetie Charles, who is fifteen recently won runner-up in the Basset Buddies Rescue’s “Most Loveable Dog” contest. Charles’ photo brought in a whopping $126, out of the more than $1000 raised in support of Basset Rescue.

Phillips’ other passion is writing. Her ultimate goal is to produce a Dog Cookbook. But that will have to wait because bigger plans are in the offing. For her next writing project, Phillips will collaborate with author Tom Schreck, known for his Duffy Dombrowski mysteries that feature a Basset Hound as a main character. The duo’s plans for their book are top secret, although Phillips hints that rescues will feature prominently.

To purchase one of Phillips’s books, contact her for speaking engagements, or to meet this charming woman, email her at my4hounds@hotmail.com or friend her on Facebook.


The best thing about
a fire hydrant is that it’s
never occupied.


Poor economy
empties pockets yet fills the
shelters; pets suffer.

Visit the Resku site at http://resku.homestead.com/.

If you buy a book mention HOP and Ginny will donate 2.50 from the sale to the HoPpers!

OK – Here is my first attempt at a Haiku –

Basset hounds roll

In baby grass

My eyes smile –

Cat Rudert -Spring 2010

Go ahead and try yourself! It is really fun!

More loving Ginny later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Do you think Emma looks to skinny?

April 7th, 2010 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Skinny Emma Lovers: Almost everyone we run into thinks Emma looks too skinny. She weighs 59 pounds and she eats a cup of kibble with potato mush gravy in the morning and the same thing at night with about 4 slices of raw potato a day.


She was 10 pounds heavier prior to her back surgery and the vet ordered her to loose 10 pounds, which she did.

Howl much do your hounds eat? And if you don’t mind, howl much do they weigh?

Chaps weighs 69 pounds. He also lost about 8 pounds when he went on Emma’s diet. I should have gone on that same diet.

More wondering if our Emma is always hungry later. Cat, Chaps and Emma

Take 1 for Emma’s birthday picture. Wrap!

April 5th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma’s birthday pictures lovers!

Well, every year we do a photo shoot of Emma under the cherry tree in the month of her birth, APRIL! I thought I would share Take 1!


Not so good! She was not having none of it! Probably because Chaps was crying the entire time from the ladies room, the small area off of the sun room. Grandpa named it the ladies room.


We still have time for the perfect shot. Her birthday is not until the 21st! We tried so hard today!

But I did get this one!


But the goal is to get her with the cherry tree in full bloom. Howl ever, this is a pretty good spring time shot!

More loving this shot, but needing a cherry tree shot later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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