Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not loving shot lovers…..
Well, last night I reported, via twitter, that Chaps seemed to be making a turn for the better with his gastrointestinal distress. It was kind of a mystery but I had a theory that my vet shot down.
On Monday, Chaps went in for his cloudy eye and at that time his doctor did a Fluorescein/ful-glow strip test to see if his cornea had an abrasion. They have to put neon yellow dye (Fluorescein) in the eye to do that.
Well, that next morning Chaps got very ill and I think some of that dye went into his stomach. My big detective work was seeing howl shockingly neon yellow his dye-a-real and vomit were.
I know that sometimes when I put drops in my eyes I can taste it. Maybe the big guy is allergic to that neon yellow dye????? You can click on the Fluorescein link right above.
There had to be a connection and I think I found it via the Wikipedia link. Any way, this morning he was up and pacing since 4:45am. Eating grass and straining. Emma was all concerned and decided to see if her security blanket would help the big guy!

“Why is everyone up so early?”

So, off we went to the vet for about the umteenth time in the last 2 week (including Frankie).
Dr. Doan gave him a shot to settle his stomach, some anti-acids, and a GI antibiotic. No one really knows what it is but when we got home he was able to rest comfortably.

I made sure he got in bed and took a long nap. Does anyone remember the T-Shirt I am wearing? It says HELPING HOUNDS at the top. I can’t remember what basset rescue group sold it, I think it was Guardian Angel, when Katrina happened. It was to support
Looziana Basset Rescue which is now defunct. GABR also donated all of the corvette raffle money to LBHR that year.
Anyway, I digress but I love this shirt.

It is always so sad when a hound is ailing. Chaps kept looking at me like, “Do something Mommy”!

Then the big guy really started feeling better and he went belly up. The belly that was hurting so bad just hours ago.
Maybe the shot was worth it after all!

Better let the big guy sleep.
More heath updates later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma