This is so cute…A report from TJ’s transporter, Rose Brown!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and cute update lovers……..
I was so please to be on this list of updates about our TJ and his transportation. Here is part of the e-mail…..
“Good afternoon everyone, Busy morning I went to Mechanisburg PA with the 11th hour mini-van. We were expecting a 90 lb Gr Pyr who was very scared and didn’t think it would be safe to transfer three times. She came up HW positive, didn’t go on the transport and it was too late to change plans, so I went anyway and of course Deb found other dogs for me to take back to NJ with the two I went for. When I left Mechanicsburg there were eight dogs in my little red van, I felt like Santa Clause in July, dropped off 4 in Philipsburg, and my favorite TJ the Basset in Washington NJ on the way home to drop off the last two. I loved TJ, those ears !!! I don’t know how he manages to walk around without stepping on them. He needed a little help getting into the van, those short legs didn’t reach.
Here is the van that TJ was in!
Here is a traveling companion!
And another one!
Thank you Rose Brown for this wonderful update and caring for our treasured TJ. Transport people rock!
More about our rock star later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
TJ the travelin’ hound!!! Great update:)) Can’t wait to hear the next installment!
Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo
Thanks Rose for sharing TJ’s journey. Thank you especially for helping this sweet basset find his way to a new and wonderful life.
Thank you Rose for the TJ update and for all your doing to help our 4 legged friends. God Bless you:)
Yes, thank you Rose for your time and kindness. And especially for the update on our hometown favorite.
Rose, you rock !! We lubz that TJ!
Rose, you are a very special person for taking on the task of transporting so many dogs. Thank you so much! And especially thanks for the pictures and pupdate on TJ.
The mini brown “dash-hound” (as people “down here” refer to them)named Wolfgang, was in the crate next to TJ’s when he left from Harrodsburg. Wolfgang was one one little happy boy and loved giving everyone kisses and his little tail never stopped waggin’…however, when I went over to pick him up and hold him (while the ladies were checking all of TJ’s paperwork out), I noticed sooooo many scars all over his face, nose and half-way down his back. The previous owner(s) had used him as an ashtray and had poured lighter fluid down the length of his nose and then added flame……You would never have guessed what hell he had been through!!
My house was so quite with TJ being gone..I miss himz sooooooooo much..I kept waiting for that nose to appear on the side of my bed–a sign that he was ready to join me and go sleepy!!
TJ –you certainly have made my world brighter just by having you in it!! Love you little man…
Oh Kristie, that was sooo sweet! Sounds like TJ is having the time of his life. He seems to love everyone he encounters. Such a lucky boy with such a wonderful life he has ahead of him.
Loved hearing about TJ’s traveling companions, hope they all find much happiness with kind people. Thanks to all who helped TJ and all of the dogs on this transport.
There’s a special place in heaven for you, and it probably will involve dogs.