I think I need a sectional…..
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and who sits where lovers?????
Well, I guess you can figure it out!
Hounds need their comfort…..
More looking for sectionals later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and who sits where lovers?????
Well, I guess you can figure it out!
Hounds need their comfort…..
More looking for sectionals later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Hero Lovers! Yes, we have another hero in bassethoundtown! His name is Gary Porter and he is the husband of BJ Porter. You might recognize her name more than his. BJ and Gary came to visit BHT after he was honored in Washington DC for his art and his service to his country. Here is the blog I did a while back about their visit! But the tribute video is below. Make sure you click on it. His tribute is so special and touching….
But more importantly I want to share this video of howl Gary was honored for his talent and service to our country in a special ceremony in Washington, DC.
This video is about 15 minutes long and worth every second. I know you will enjoy honoring one of our heros in bassethoundtown.
Here is BJ, Gary’s wife reading the Lily book to her grand kids with her beautiful Sadie…ATB and niece of Emma.
More loving HEROS later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Resident Lois Lovers! Our very own resident Lois has been attending some really cool adoption events for Mid-Atlantic Basset Hound Rescue.
Lois states,
“Here are the pix from today’s adventure…made a lot of $$$ and the kids program went well…everyone ended up decked out in Dr. masks which was a big hit & we listened to our hearts as well with a donated stethoscope!
As you can see we get bike customers, walk ins, etc….
Pony rides, beautiful flowers, great acapella group from the high school today…
All in all a great time was had by all…
No dogs were adopted but I think Russell the baby goat was…he belongs to Bonita one of our volunteers..he was a week old & hung out at the booth for a bit too.
& for a $1 buster would sing for you OR you could hold russell..we are the flexible rescue if nothing else,
Lots of folks are coming back next week for more info!
End of Lois update!
Hey Lois, please leave some more information in the comment section for us. I am just so thrilled howl Mid-Atlantic has such great volunteers such as yourself. It just is so heart warming. I asked Lois if Frankie was there but he was not there this weekend. Also, please tell us about the book you read to the children.
More from Lois later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and selling diamonds for House of Puddles Lovers! OMD, this bracelet has been in the HOP boutique for too long. I cannot believe that it had not sold.
Here is the listing I did on it back in 2008:
Did you know that Marilyn Monroe had a basset?
Well, the bracelet sold within seconds of Marilyn Brazzle putting it in her HOP newsletter! A basset lover by the name of Linda grabbed it right up! The bracelet is on it’s way to South Carolina today! 130.00 dollars goes right to HOP. 100%! Shipping and insurance donated by BHT.
It is absolutely stunning and a rare treat to behold!
14K Gold, the color of a puddle! hehehe
My jeweler told me it would go for about 300 dollars or more new. The diamonds are very clear.
But Linda got is for:
PRICE: $130.00
Marilyn Monroe 14K diamond bracelet
Stock #: MM14K DB
Shipping: Free Shipping
This is another item donated by Holly Simpson that we are showcasing for the HOP. I am calling it, Diamonds are a hounds best friend.
Did you know that Marilyn Monroe had a basset hound when she was married to Arthur Miller? Well she did. Her basset hound was named Hugo.
So, I am highlighting this item in Hugo’s memory.
This item is a best friend to any one’s collection. The diamonds are small, but the sparkle they throw off is huge. Just like Hugo!
This is a piece that will shine on your wrist forever and you will know you helped the HoPpers!
Marilyn Monroe was a sweet lady as we all know. She was not only beautiful, but loved basset hounds. Just like our Marilyn at the HOUSE OF PUDDLES.
SHIPPED FOR 130.00 every cent goes directly into the HOP paypal account.
Have fun in SC pretty bracelet. Linda I would love a picture of you in your treasure!
More diamonds are a hounds best friend later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and donation lovers! Giving thanks this morning for the 20 dollar donation from Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Ozzie and Harriet.
Cindy states, “We hope all the dogs we save find a home where they can lick the beaters!”
OMD! That is so cute I can barely stand it! I used to love to do that. Your kids are very lucky kids indeed!
More Loving our residents later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Dancing for Adoption Lovers! This is just the coolest video ever! Thanks to BHT Mary Tipping for sharing. I love rescue people.
The Nevada Humane Society really does ROCK!
More Saturday Dancing Later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and field trip lovers! Today, Cindy and Jethro, residents of BHT, went on a field trip to a dog show where BBTX had a booth!
Cindy and Jethro took some Lily Books that we donated in honor of BHT and all of it’s residents!
The theme of the booth was Texas and who did it up right? OUR JETHRO!
Himz is one good lookin’ cowboy! Yee Haw!
Guess who else was also there? Our Trooper!
Look howl good he looks. No one can look much better unless you dress up like a basset and your name is Ann and you are the foster Mommy of Trooper! LOL
Ann you are the best! That is so cute!
Here is our cute group all together! Cindy, I cannot thank you enough for these totally pawsome and wonderful pictures. I had so much fun looking at them. You are the best! I sure wish we were on the field trip with you!
This is my favorite picture! I just love it! Everyone looks so great!
More great gals and hounds helping BBTX later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Flock Lovers! Over the course of making comments and meeting each other and making friends we learn a lot about each other here in BHT. Recently we learned that Judy, of Bumper and Abby fame, has a flock of birds living in her home.
Judy states, “I have 3 large parrots. Sunday is a blue and gold macaw that was abused and only likes me. She is about 20 years old now and I have had her about 17 years. Snowbird is my umbrella cockatoo – she was my first “big bird” and is a real sweetie. Snow is about 22 and I have had her for 18 years. She was abused and kicked by her former owners. We also have Buddy an African grey – Buddy came from a home that did not have time for him but he is very sweet now. Buddy is about 23 and I have had him for 16 years. All 3 birds talk but Buddy is by far the smartest and can mimic almost any sound in the house including the telephone. Note – birds are a LOT of work and they are very noisy and very few vets will see them – not everyone should own big birds and sometimes I question my sanity as to why I have 3 of them. It is a zoo around here.”
Judy, I love your zoo! I cannot wait to come over and visit the flock and the kids. Judy and I live in the same town within bassethoundtown!
Thanks for that picture of the flock Judy. Very nice! Can you teach Buddy to say, “all hail the mayor”? That would be too cool! hehehe
More news from flock later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Slog Lovers…Do you know what Blog stands for?
I didn’t so I asked my website guy about 3 years ago.
He told me Blog was short for, WE(B LOG). OK, pretty cool, I get it.
So dear reader you may ask what is a SLOG?
A slog, is a spiral ring note book log, AKA slog…..I just like the way it sounded.
This was before I even knew what a blog was. I had a spiral ring note book. I had so much fun documenting my new puppy! I had no idea if I was going to get a puppy from this breeder, or if I did, which one!
Here is my first entry……You can click on it and it will get larger!
Then I sent BoBac this letter……complete with pictures which I let BoBac keep.
Page 2….
Here is my next Slog….
OMD! I had so much fun looking at this tonight. I have so much more. Even though this picture is out of order I had to post it tonight~!
It was much later and I knew I had a pup.
As you can see, Richard and Sharon picked out my puppy! In case it is hard to read Emma is bottom row, middle girl! Howl sweet can you get? I melted, and still do.
I love my Slog! I am so glad I have it.
More Slogging later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Fortune Cookie Eaters! Ahhhhh…….I love Fortune Cookies and so do Chaps and Emma!
Of course Chaps always gets his treats first. It’s a mandate he passed in the house of bassethoundtown as his executive right! Emma is used to it.
OK Mayor, what is your fortune?
Interesting, he made a new friend in the park today with a tiny baby! It was so cute he was shuttering his face and just having the best time. OK, that one came true! Now it is Emma’s turn for her fortune cookie!
Her fortune was so Emma! Very true indeed!
Look at her broadly enjoying her cookie!
So, now to my cookie! hehehe
You don’t need to tell me that! YES!
(Emma’s first bath!)
I really enjoyed giving Emma a bath that day!
More loving fortune cookies later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma