Meet the newest HoPper – Chloe!
August 16th, 2010 - 7:07 pm KY Time
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and newest HoPper lovers! Chloe is a very tiny, skinny girl but the sweetest little bug, ever! I posted her story as a note on House of Puddle’s Facebook page, which I believe you should be able to access even if you don’t have a Facebook account
Look at how skinny she is.

You can see how petite she is next to Buttermilk, even though she’s lying down.

This poor girl lived outside on a chain. Her left hind leg was broken some time in the past and never fixed so she can’t walk on it. But she does use it a little for support when she goes to potty and to help her up the step to the porch. She can get in and out the doggie door OK, with a little struggle at times. But she doesn’t let that bad leg slow her down much. She follows me around the house and in the yard, even tries to run with the other hounds.
She came with a $1,400 vet bill that BROOD paid for Chloe’s spay, hernia repair, leg x-ray, HW test, dental and medications. I just made a personal donation to BROOD to help pay for it, via Jodye & Peter Roebuck’s Firstgiving page (Peter transported Chloe to HOP). If you can, please make a small donation to BROOD to help pay this huge vet bill.
Marilyn, Alvin, Lollipup, Ricky, Boomerang Jeeps, Hermey, April, Polly, Bowser, Daisy, Buttermilk, Jiminy, Cricket, Bessie, Andy, Jake, Dora, Lottie, Bogie, Ringo….
House of Puddles,
Frederick, MD
House of Puddles,
Frederick, MD
End of post from Marilyn, Chloe’s new Mommy!
Wow, what a story…..I am just so happy for Chloe. I just cannot imagine what is going through her pretty head.
More loving the House of Puddles Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Oh my goodness! I’m on my way to help BROOD now. And thanks so much Marilyn for taking in this sweet, sweet girl. How sad. I hope the stories get better from here.
Poor Chloe – I know her life will be better now. I took Bumper and Abby for a walk tonight because the temperature was lower for a change. We visited Lily and Chloe’s bench and sat there while Bumper recovered from the walk. I can sure tell he is getting older – I am so sad – he would rather sleep in his chair than walk with Abby!
did you see on facebook..she has a true love already???????
how cool is that?
andy! love is in the air!
I am so sad at the pain and agony this little basset has endured all these years. Thanks so much to BROOD and of course Marilyn for making this sure Chloe was safe and could finally learn about being a basset hound. My donation has been added to BROOD.
Wow, BHT residents are simply the best. Lois – I was cracking up at your YouTube! I am still laughing. Love it!
I don’t get the YouTube, what does it have to do with Chloe, HOP or Basset Hound Town.
I think Chloe needs to be indulged with a lot of treats and love, and I can tell that Chloe gives a lot of love.