Ouch! I twisted my ankle!

September 19th, 2010 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not loving twisting your ankle lovers…..

Wow, I had to actually get out Grandpa’s cane due to a sidewalk cliff I went off of. It was right up from where this picture was taken years ago of Grandpa walking the kids. There is nothing cuter than hounds in coats!


Of course Chaps is scared of the cane and a bit confused because it probably smells like Grandpa.


It hurt really bad.

Here is Emma wondering what the heck is going on.


Then this morning I got an e-mail from OneMom, that said to remember the RICE principle. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

OK, I have not heard of the Rice Principle and I work for an orthopaedic surgeon! hehehe

I think today will be a day of rest. I might add heat to that RICE principle. Chaps is laying next top my ankle. Gosh, that feels good!

Now, for your viewing pleasure, a walk we took in bassethoundtown back in 2006.

More RICE and heat later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. September 19th, 2010 | 11:08 am

    At the very end of the video is where I fell off the sidewalk cliff yesterday. They put in new sidewalks last year and they really messed up. My elderly neighbor lives there. I am going to walk up there (when I can) and let her know that I will send my grounds care guy up there to fix the cliff with some top soil. I don’t want her falling and breaking a hip or anyone for that matter.

    I am getting ready to over seed my yard so it will be a great time to fix that problem.

    I may work for an orthopod but I don’t want to need one in that regard! hehehe

  2. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:15 am

    Are you sure you went on a walk or a lay? Ha! You have a beautiful neighborhood.

    Twisting an ankle is very painful. I was in dance school for many years (still can’t dance) and I twisted both ankles several times. I’ve never heard of RICE either but it makes sense! OneMom should know because she just recently had an ankle incident herself didn’t she?

    That is so sweet of you to fix that cliff. I’m sure the elderly neighbor will be very thankful for that.

  3. September 19th, 2010 | 11:20 am

    Cindy – yes OM did and she was rushed off to the er. I think they thought it was broke at first. It was a really big deal and happened on the 4th of July. What a bummer. I was able to hobble home which was about 50 steps down the street. Plus I had Chaps pulling me. I love my neighbor, one house removed. I totally look out for her. She was cracking me up yesterday. When we were walking up the street she came out and told me that she knows everyday when it is 3:30 cause she can hear Emma barking for her hungry meal. She said she even looks forward to it. Oh the little things in life!

    Well, not so little for our Shimlette!

  4. September 19th, 2010 | 11:25 am

    True Cindy, on July 2nd I fell and originally the doc thought a severe sprain, but it turned out to be a hairline fracture. Out of my walking boot for about 3 weeks now, and just this past week not using my smaller brace either.

    RICE is pretty standard … I’m surprised you guys haven’t heard of it. Ice is typically best in the first 24 hours … after that a little heat (the Mayor probably provides plenty!)is ok. Compression comes typically with a wrap/ace bandage, but make sure it’s not so tight that your toes go numb. Rest and elevation are obvious.

    Let me know if you need anything.

  5. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 19th, 2010 | 6:28 pm

    I have to ask…why is Chaps wearing the pink hearts and Emma is wearing the blue?

    I guess it takes a real man to wear pink hearts. Ha!

  6. September 19th, 2010 | 6:31 pm

    Chaps is wearing Lily’s old coat. It just fits himz better. Emma is much smaller in the girth. hehehe

    Himz is a real manly man! His coat even has a little pocket that he carries my business cards in. He is always willing to visit a school and show himz self off!

  7. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 19th, 2010 | 6:38 pm

    OH, alright. I have a very hard time getting anything to fit Jethro cuz he’s so big in the chest.

    Chaps is very handsome in his pink hearts.

  8. Maureen and Slinky
    September 20th, 2010 | 11:00 am

    I hope your feeling better, and remember to let Chaps and Emma take care of you for a time.

    I think You, Your Mom, Chaps and Emma must be a local institution in Fort Thomas, KY.

    I can tell the Mayor and Emma know howl important it is to go out and greet their consitutients. They also check on howl things are running in Basset Hound Town. Chaps and Emma know howl important relaxation is to keep one sound and healthy, so they demonstrate it to everyone (they are not selfish), and they work up a good appetite through this process.

  9. Mary
    September 20th, 2010 | 12:31 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear about your ankle, Cat!:(( Ouch is right–hope you are on the mend! Hugs to the Mayor and the lovely Emma..

    Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo

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