Chaps and Emma are both waking up and doing fine:)

September 16th, 2010 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and update lovers! Talk about your helicopter Mom. I called to check on them already 4 times. Well, now they are both waking up and doing fine. I am just thrilled to have this teeth cleaning and other maintenance behind us. It was so weird to come home and not have the kids here. Very strange. This place is like a shell without them.

Here is an old picture I found that is cute. Oh Chappers! Oh Shimlette!

chaps_emma on walk

More exhaling later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

I couldn’t sleep:(

September 16th, 2010 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not loving teeth cleaning day lovers…..

What a drag. There is not much worse than denying food for a basset hound. My plan was to sleep until I basically had to leave. I already have the BHV set up outside with the ramp. I have all of my clothes laid out so I can change quickly. I have everything by the door. I have been up for hours now. Both kids are following me around crying for their breakfast. So much for my plans.

As you can see it is still dark out…


More feeling sorry for ourselves later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma (who is laying in the kitchen)

Wanna see Emma when she could see?

September 15th, 2010 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and loving old pictures. I thought I would share a picture of our Emma when she could see. I sure hope she can still remember our faces. I bet she does! I know she remembers Chaps rear end! She follows him around like a puppy!

pretty emma

It was sooooo cute today. I laid down in our bed and it was so funny. Emma came running towards me like she was diving into a pool of love. I was laughing so loud. She landed right on my head! Keep in mind I saw all of this in slow motion. It was so much fun.

Emma is so special!

More Emma stories later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma the diver!

Basset Hound Walkers at Cotswold Water Park

September 15th, 2010 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and enjoying a walk with lots of hounds lovers.

I love this group and I often feature their videos. It sure looks like this walk at
Cotswold Water Park in England was well attended! The hounds are having so much fun. I just love it!

This Tube is about 9 minutes long but well worth your viewing pleasure! Don’t have time now? Save it for lunch time tomorrow!

The ending is my favorite part. I love howl all of the hounds come in for treats!

What a treat!

More loving The Basset Hound Walkers later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

All good things must come to an end:(

September 14th, 2010 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and good things coming to an end lovers….Sigh….

As many of you know our Mayor was on the Kentucky Yellow Pages for a year. Today we got our new addition which means his reign as cover boy ends. It really breaks our hearts not to have him reign supreme!


The new cover is just a landscape shot. It is not worth even showing. LAME!

The mayor won a thousand dollars for his cover! He donated every cent to House of Puddles.

I had so much fun bragging about him on the cover.

I am so proud of him and all of your votes. Without the residents he would have never won! But he did! He shone bright for a year!

Our big yellow pages boy!

More loving the Mayor and his benevolent nature, not to mention his residents later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Oh dear me…teeth cleaning on Thursday….shutter….

September 14th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and teeth cleaning lovers. I know we are all one of those but I hate it. I worry so much. I hate leaving them anywhere. I know Chaps will be freaked out. I am hyperventilating just thinking about it. Emma will do better but will feed off of Chaps fear.

To calm my worried nerves I thought I would share their baby announcement.

This is the picture I sent out to friends to announce my new babies back in 2004. Two years before I started blogging.

I spent hours and hours making the cards. I gave all of the details. Weight, length, etc! It was fun.


Howl proud was I? Can you imagine me? I was over the moon. I think this picture was taken about 2 or 3 days after I got home from TX.

More being worried on Thursday later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

I think Enigma should sign Bud…..

September 14th, 2010 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new musical group lovers. I really think that Bud should be signed to Enigma.

He could really return them to innocence! Look howl cute and innocent himz is!

More innocence later….Love, Cat, Chaps and our own enigma, Emma!

I want a comfortable place to sit!

September 12th, 2010 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and sitting comfortably lovers…

Some of you might remember a blog posting I did a while back about this. Howl I had to sit on the floor while hounds had comfort?


Well, I got pretty sick of it. Especially with Winter coming on!

I decided to move an easy chair I had in my old bed room to the TV room!

(This is my old bedroom. I call it my old bedroom because I sleep in the dog bed.)


This picture was taken years ago. I kind of forgot I even had the beautiful easy chair.

So I moved it. It was hard. I almost gave up and cried through a few door ways but battle I did to get it into to the TV room!

I dropped into a puddle of joy thinking of my new found place to sit. No longer would I be on the floor. I would have a place of my own! I love this chair!

I went to get a glass of wine and was so excited to watch a movie! This is what I saw when I got back….

Photo on 2010-09-03 at 21.47

I wept. Silently.

That chair now has a huge pillow in it when I leave the area! The couch in the TV room is for him and Emma.

That chair is MINE, ALL MINE!

More trying to be smarter than the Mayor later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Off we go! To Augusta, Kentucky!

September 12th, 2010 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Hound Friendly Road Trip Lovers.

Well, we are always and forever one of those! Here is the Mayor loading up!


Emma needs a bit of assistance so she does not fall off the ramp. Other than that she is a pro!


Augusta, KY is about an hour away from our home in Northern Kentucky. George Clooney graduated from high school in Augusta and I believe his parents still live there. Rosemary Clooney always kept a home in Augusta.

It is such a wonderful little town. Grandma and I found our dream home but we need to to win the lottery first. I will show you that later.

First off we stopped at the Spring Grove Dairy Bar for lunch. We brought our own lunch. They have picnic tables in the back and it is just too cute. It is on the way to Augusta on River Road. The train blows right by tooting it’s horn to all of the ice cream eaters! Gotta love KY!

Please let me fill in a bit of a back story here. Recently, in the news there was a story about a family that lives behind the dairy bar that has 4 or 5 dogs over their city limit. One of them is a basset hound which I found out today is named Bruce! I heard his owner yelling for himz…

I was hoping to see Bruce and maybe talk to his family but I only saw Bruce. Well, he saw us before we saw himz!


Bruce saw Chaps and Chaps saw Bruce and all hell broke loose!


Bruce was only protecting his back yard so the Mayor and Emma stayed in the car. It was fine. It was only about 20 minutes from home and I kept the back end up. Bruce kept an eye on us as we had or picnic!


Emma kept a nose on Bruce!


I need to check on the story. I hope the city worked with them. Judy, have you heard anything? The family got in trouble for not obeying City Dog Ownership Ordinance Laws. It got a lot of attention a few weeks ago. Anyway, I will check on it. Bruce is a fine looking hound!

Then we took off for Augusta. It is such a pretty drive but if you take it be careful. It is a 2 lane road that is not in very good condition.

We arrived and parked near the ferry that crosses the OH river. A lot of fine looking Harleys were in town today. You can see some loading onto the ferry so they can cross over into OH.


Then we walked down the lane and this was the perfect spot to stop and take a picture of the Mayor. White picket fence and all! So bassethoundtown!


Wait up Emma and Grandma!


There they go!


Off to our DREAM HOME! Wow, we found the coolest home ever! Check it out and it’s for sale!


River front! Is it not the coolest? I turned around after I took this picture and this is what you see!


This is your view! Just PERFECT BEYOND BELIEF!

It is HUGE! Look at the side yard!


Yes, that is a screened in porch with the same river view. See that dwelling in the back? It is the garage. There is another home on the property as well.


This one is pretty big as well but more run down. It is not a part of the listing but “available” which to me means the negotiation point. Of course you want this if you buy the home!

So, before you click on the listing take a guess at the price. Leave me a comment and tell me what you thought before you checked.

Grandma guessed 850,000. I guessed 1.2 million. Then I got home and googled it!

301 W. Riverside Drive, Augusta, KY

Please, let me know what you think?????

After we mooned over the river front property we went and sat on a bench up the street a bit. We could see our dream but we just could not reach it! That’s OK.



Rosemary was George’s Aunt. The house she lived in is right down the way. It is now a museum in her honor. I grew up on her voice. I mooned over her as well. I was a little girl watching her on TV. What great memories.


What a great day!

More tomorrows later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps, Emma, the phone is for you!

September 12th, 2010 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and “Wanna go for a walk lovers?” YES! Anyway, every time I say, “You wanna go for a walk I get the cutest faces! Just adorable!



The the phone rang. It was Grandma for Chaps and Emma!


Let’s get those short legs a moving! Harness up and let’s hit the road!


Sunday is fun day!

More adorable faces later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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