Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and doggie door lovers….When I was deciding on what doggie door to buy I took all things into consideration. The hounds needed a wide door but not a high door. It was so funny. I sure wish had pictures of the memories I have of the ordeal. At the time I had a carpenter working for me doing all kinds of stuff, including installing a doggie door in the door he installed in my back room (turned a window into a door) attached to a small deck with a roof he built and a set of wrap around steps! Goodness gracious I felt like that guy lived with me. Anyway, back to the why I wish I had pictures. This guy was one serious carpenter!
He had me gather Chloe and Lily prior to ordering the doggie door. He whipped out his tape measure and started measuring the girls. I was laughing so hard. His diagnosis, “order the extra large one”! As I look back on it, I am so glad I did!

This is Romeo coming through with ease! Who would have thunk that 14 years ago the extra large doggie door was the right decision? (for height)
But for width, it was always the right decision…

My Dad designed the entire thing. His main concern was that the girls would have access to the back yard anytime they wanted. My Dad never did anything small and even had the security system I bought hooked up to the doggie door! I love this design and it is the most favorite thing in my dog house! hehehe
I am so thankful this thanksgiving weekend for memories like this.
More thinking that Romeo is as well! Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma