Sunday Morning Ritual…

November 14th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sunday Morning Ritual Lovers….

I love, love, love, to watch Sunday Morning on CBS. I try to never miss it. One of my favorite things about Sunday Morning are the Suns. I just adore them.


My favorite part of Sunday Morning, this morning, was a 5 minute segment called:

Traditional Security in the Modern Age

I love howl Sunday Morning can take you anywhere in the world.


Emma has her own Sunday Morning Ritual….


A nap after breakfast….She is my little sunshine!


More stained glass spirit of the sun later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. November 14th, 2010 | 9:17 pm

    Upside-down basset lips … the sign of total contentment.

    Love the suns and CBS sunday morning.

  2. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    November 14th, 2010 | 9:40 pm

    What a happy puppy girl! Yes, a sign of total contentment. We love you Emmers! You are TOO CUTE!

  3. Maureen and Slinky
    November 15th, 2010 | 11:40 am

    I have never watched Sunday morning on CBS. My Sunday mornings are to sleep in as long as I can, and snuggle with Slinky.

  4. February 11th, 2012 | 10:14 pm

    Hi! I am the artist who did the first sun (“Night and Day”) pictured on this entry. I’m glad you like it! I’m just curious how you got a hold of it …

  5. Cat
    February 12th, 2012 | 1:12 am

    I would have googled Sunday Morning Suns, I think. I love that shows suns. Did you have one featured on that show? I love the Sunday morning suns. I feel sure that is where I would have found it. I will look again and let you know. Love your work!

  6. Cat
    February 12th, 2012 | 1:16 am

    OMG- just google Sunday Morning Suns and yours comes right up. Did you not know that?

  7. Cat
    February 12th, 2012 | 1:17 am

    Google Sunday Morning Suns! Yours comes right up! Beautiful!

  8. Cat
    February 12th, 2012 | 1:20 am

    I just saw that it was on your website. You reported that this sun was yours. I don’t get your question to me?

  9. February 12th, 2012 | 7:30 pm

    I knew the image was on the show, but I hadn’t realized that when you googled “Sunday Morning Suns” the image came right up. That’s very cool! 🙂

  10. Cat
    February 12th, 2012 | 7:33 pm

    Yes, and you are very cool! Love your suns!

  11. March 22nd, 2012 | 6:00 pm

    […] I believe) posted some of the suns she liked on the show … and included one of mine! (here)  Then today, a blogger named Clay was kind enough to let me know he used my “Night and […]

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