Is there anything cuter than a basset hound in a coat?
November 28th, 2010 - 8:08 pm KY Time
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and hounds in coats lovers….I just think they look so cute! A few days ago one of my “friends” on facebook posted this darlin’ picture…
This beautiful boy is a show hound in the Czech Republic….
Too cute! I am not sure of himz name but I call himz handsome!
More cute coat pictures later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Coats for Bassets are sooo hard to find. They never fit right. I’ve finally resigned to one certain style. The style that fastens or velcro’s under the neck and under the belly. The rest is just open and there are no arm holes. We’ve got some vests in that style and each hound has a jacket. My hounds just LOVE to put on their clothes. I think it’s the attention that they love more than anything. Ha!
I can get Slinky to tolerate clothing/costumes for a limited time.
When it snows, Slinky loves snow baths and she think the snow is something special just for her.
buster’s coat is from lands has velcro that fastens around his neck & under his belly…he LOVES it…& complains right around november 1st that he is cold & dying & must have it on.
he will wear it now until (i swear) april..every day..even if it goes up to like 60 degrees..the damn fool mopes if he doesn’t have it on…even the small little dogs aren’t in their coats yet..but buster is. it is his 2nd one…he has worn out the 1st one because he rubs his back on the underside of the concrete benches so he can hear the crinkling of the coat on the concrete…
damn fool!
last week he had to wear sally’s coat..the red one with her name on it (she hasn’t worn it yet) & was miffed when everyone kept telling him what a pretty girl she was…oh well…
they are a good deal the lands end ones…his is a large i believe…& it fits pretty good…a little big even & he is a smaller basset…same material as a squall coat…they wash & dry nicely & really do last well except if you rub your back on the underside of a concrete bench.
i can send a pix of him in it if anyone wants…they can also monogram it for you too..i think they changed the style to handle a harness…