Update on the Thundershirt….

March 24th, 2011 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Thundershirt update lovers…..Well, well, well……Yesterday the weather folks had been predicting late afternoon thunderstorms so I had the Thundershirt at the ready. I was going to remain calm and collective. So, about 3:00ish, after the weather people had been breaking in all afternoon, I called in the reinforcement, Grandma! It was getting that really odd pea soup green color outside but the weather people were all concentrating on north of Cincinnati. Then this guy came on…..

See where his hand is? That is where we live, about 3 minutes from downtown Cincinnati! Just then the main anchor asked the weather guy why the sirens were going off in Downtown Cincinnati (the area that they were totally neglecting) and you heard someone (in the background) that did not know they were being heard say, “I have no idea.”


So, taking our lead from the guy with “no idea” we calmly gave the Mayor a thunder pill and suited him up in his Thundershirt. Just as we got the last velcro strap in place the sirens in our town started wailing!

The pill does not take effect for about 2 hours so, that was a dumb move on my part but we actually thought that the system might last until later that night. That is what I hate so much about those dang pills.

Anyway, something that really helps the Mayor is walking. So his Grandma took the first 50 laps around my place.

She walked….


And walked, and walked some more. I am not kidding she did about 50 laps.


The storm was over very shortly but the Mayor’s anxiety lasts for about an hour after the last clap.

All in all I saw some improvement over the last time he wore the Thundershirt. The walking really helped as well. Chaps never missed a beat. He kept right next to us the entire time and I think it helped ease the fear.

Emma even joined in some. We called it the thunder parade and we even made up a song! Now that might go viral on Youtube! I should video tape it!

More Thundershirt updates later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    March 24th, 2011 | 12:18 pm

    Poor Chaps!

    Nothing seems to help Slinky during thunderstorms than cuddling up in my bed under the covers. I think she feels safe and sheltered in my arms.

  2. Cindy, Jethro, Rugby, Ozzie and Harriet
    March 24th, 2011 | 1:17 pm

    Oh Chaps. Your Mommy is trying so hard.

  3. Mary
    March 24th, 2011 | 2:48 pm

    Glad that it may be working somewhat, Cat! Poor Chaps:( Harley is the same. It was only drizzling here in southeastern PA last night but Harley kept pacing and pacing, obviously disturbed, but didn’t do his usual trying to squeeze into a corner as much as possible. This a.m. we heard on the news that there was a tornado in western PA. I wonder if he “sensed” something that far away (remember the earthquake and Chaps?!)…

    Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo

  4. March 24th, 2011 | 5:13 pm

    Mary – I am sure they feel things in the air. They probably smell stuff as well. I swear that Chaps knows the voices of the weather people when they cut in to programing. He will lift his head and cock it! Too cute!

  5. March 25th, 2011 | 7:14 am

    You should get Grandma and Chaps pedometers and measure their “thunder miles”.

  6. March 25th, 2011 | 8:46 am

    hahaha OM! I love it! Chaps was worn out. It really works!

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