Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and teeth cleaning lovers????
Well, we all know we don’t love it but our teeth do!
So, what are the hard questions? No, it’s not, “Are you flossing every day?”
It was a question from my technician, “How old is Chaps now?”
I answered, “Awahesz hen” (Ah, he is 10)
It’s funny howl these technicians understand you with their hands and instruments in your mouth.
Then she asked, “How long do bassets hounds typically live?”
I hesitated, my teeth aching and my heart in my throat, and said, “Nawught oning anuffuff”. (Not long enough)
Somehow she understood and agreed.
I took a break to “Swish” and think about it. At that point I had an epiphany. I looked at Ruthie, my technician, and said, “You know what? I am 53 years old and I don’t think the average dog has lived much longer than my french poodle did who died at age 13, when I was 10.”

Another question. Over the past 50 years why have dogs not really improved in their life span? Am I wrong to think this? What do you think? All of the dogs I have had, have passed at between 8 and 13. Well, Lily was an anomaly. We had no idea howl old she was.
I came home and saw this face, totally gray and 10 years old..

I said, “hohlow bowey uveshee lober wold”. (Hi low boy of the shining lover world:)
He understood every word! LOL
More loving old boys later…Cat, Chaps and Emma