Attention Basset Hound Rescue Groups!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Basset Hound Rescue Group Lovers……
Well….who could not be one of those?
I want to alert my dear readers that participate in Basset Hound Rescue that the Basset Hound Club of America is updating their website with your current rescue information.
Written by Teresa Ralenkotter
Thursday, 05 May 2011 20:29
We are updating our informational listings.
The Basset Hound Club of America invites all Basset Rescue groups to apply for listing on the BHCA website.
In order to apply, please submit a copy of your mission statement and a copy of your 501c3 letter.
Please email those to
Any questions can also be directed to
So – Rescue Groups this is a good place to get noticed! Gain some exposure for those homeless hounds. I will be updating our residents with more BHCA – RESCUE information as we get closer to the Nationals in October so stay tuned.
But for now….wanna see an old show picture of our Mayor?
Himz don’t care for stacking anymore! The only thing he misses from that life is the roar of the crowd. Howl ever we do get that from time to time on our walks….hehehe
More getting out there later……Cat, Chaps and Emma
Love the old pic of the mayor. Bet he has a much bigger fan club now though 🙂
Trisha! Yes, INDEED! That picture was from 2001. Our darling Mayor was only 1? Is that possible? A one year old Mayor????
Time sure flies doesn’t it? Yes, the mayor is our champ and we are so very proud of him!
Thanks so much Cat for always thinking about the rescues. You are the best!
Chaps is the most intellectual hound there is. He always looks deep in thought.
I hope they check out the rescues before they endorse them.
Yes, David there is an evaluation process. I believe that Larry Little is in charge of that (GABR). He is the head of the rescue committee for the BHCA.