House of Puddles has 2 new HoPpers!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and House of Puddles Lovers! May I please introduce to you the new HoPpers?
This is Sophie…..
Herz is 11 years old and was a victim of a family breakup. Jan, Joyce and Carol of Guardian Angel Basset Rescue worked hard on her behalf. When Marilyn found out about her situation she agreed to make her a HopPer! Jan fostered our Sophie until a transport was arranged and reports are she rules the roost from her beloved dog bed. Look howl pretty she is!
Well, that transport took place today for her and her traveling companion, Caterpillar!
Today is the first time they met!
Here is darling Caterpillar and Lisa with his story!
Well, I was calling himz Catmandoo! He is so handsome. This is himz with his foster Mommy Lisa. She fell in love with this old guy. I am not sure of his full story but I think he was pulled from an area pound and through networking found his way to Marilyn and House of Puddles. Oh, he is really cute and loves attention.
Turns out they were both coming from the same direction and the bassetabulous Jess’e Potts of Hound Haven Basset Rescue whipped up the transportation run sheet and I think it was filled in a few days. Jess’e runs a tight ship and it was a well oiled machine today!
As soon as Marilyn sent me the run sheet I changed my plans and jumped on board. Today was the big day and it was touch and go as to whether Grandma could come with me or not. Thunderstorms started rolling thought bassethoundtown around 11:30 am and lasted until about 1:30pm. Our leg of the transport was to leave at 3:55 pm. It all worked out and we picked up our charges on time.
Isn’t this funny? My camera was in my BHV, which was in the cool garage. When I stepped outside to take this picture it was 109 heat index degrees. The air was dripping wet!
We wasted no time loading the kids after meeting Donna. It was too hot to chit chat!
Here is a tiny section of Donna! hehehe
Off we go then!
Grandma and I made our 2 hour journey up to Columbus, OH right on schedule!
We met Susan and her pawsome neighbor!
Pawsome neighbor with Caterpillar….
Susan loads Sophie in the front seat…
And the new HoPpers are off to spend the night in Columbus. We were in the parking lot for less than 6 minutes. Folks, when I say “well oiled machine”, I mean well oiled machine.
They will start their final journey to House of Puddles tomorrow morning.
Grandma and I traveled back home feeling great about helping 2 new HoPpers find a soft place to land.
More loving HOUSE OF PUDDLES later…..Cat, Grandma, Chaps and Emma
I have major league goose flesh. My heart sings when I see all this love come together to help these sweet souls get to a safe and loving haven. They are so very lucky. What fabulous looking houndies. Marilyn, you are amazing. Cat, you are always there to help. An angel in the world of Bassets. Thankyou to all who participated in getting these sweet souls to their new and loving home. Big hugs to all!!!!!!
WONDERFUL STORY! I love transports. It always amazes me how these work out so well and the hounds get to their destination safe and sound. And yes, Cat, you are the best. Always there to help a needy hound. You and Grandma have big hearts. Thanks so much to everyone involved in this transport. JOB WELL DONE!
What a pair of cute hounds. Glad you had a safe trip, Cat. Thank you for all you do!
DITTO to every thing Kip and Gus had to say!!!
Pawsome job everyone……You are the very BEST!!
Glad the transport went smoothly! They are a set of cuties.
So very thankful for all that you do (hugs)
I am so happy to hear that Sophie and Caterpillar have made it “home”. Thank you so much Cat, Marilyn and all involved in saving these deserving hounds. It brings tears to my eyes when I think what they have been through and howl fortunate Bumper and Abby are to have a home and a family. You guys are GREAT.
They are so sweet, good luck in your new home, Sophie and Caterpillar, with the other Hoppers. Thanks to all that helped these two seniors, they look soooo happy to be on thier way!
Thank you all who participated in this wonderful Journey!!! What lucky hounds….how could anyone ever give them up???? Love you all.
This is so uplifting to find so many wonderful people willing to help. They make the world a better place to live in.
I will have to send some extra treats to the House of Puddles within the next couple of weeks.