Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and the elders at the Hop being winners lovers! What a nice thing to hear this hot summer day!

Well, it all started off with a post on the daily drool that went something like this…..
The Editor and Publisher of Bugler, The Basset Hound Magazine (Riche Churchill) posted that she has some nice basset hound items that she was willing to donate to a rescue that would be present at the Basset Hound Club of America Nationals this October 2011, however, someone heading to the Nationals would have to pick up her package and deliver it to whatever rescue told her they wanted it FIRST!
ZIP, ZIP, ZIP….I was sitting at my computer (surprise, surprise) when the daily drool e-mail dinged on my laptop! I scanned the line up of topics and went right to the Riche Churchill’s post which looked very interesting INDEED!
ZIP, ZIP, ZIP – I ZIPPED off an e-mail and informed Riche that I wanted those items for
House of Puddles if she could get someone to pick them up and deliver them to me at the Nationals!
Guess who was firstie firsterson? Me, me, me! Hehehehehe!
Riche then sends me this e-mail….
“Someone in vicinity of Nashville, has offered to pick up & deliver items to Natls. I will tell him to find the HOP booth or ask for you?
Others have expressed interest, but you were the first, so you win. There isn’t all that much stuff — but one item is the only one in the world — a Basset holding a tennis racquet that was made especially for me by Judy Helferrich (ClanzooAnimals) about 15 years ago after I fell and broke my shoulder while playing. The statue has a little band-aid on its shoulder. Her statues are adorable, anyway……Riche Churchill….”
Right now Chaps, Emma and I are doing the HAPPY DANCE! I am so excited for the elders at HOP!
I am going to host a table for House of Puddles at the BHCA opening night welcome party. I am sure there will be many tables of rescues and basset hound clubs. I am so looking forward to this!
I am also going to be hosting a table for House of Puddles the entire week of the 2011 Nationals along with a table. 100% of every item designated and sold for HOP will go to HOP! 100%!
I am so excited about the Nationals and I hope some of the residents can come and enjoy this event that will most likely bring in at least 300 bassets. I will get a better number soon.
Here is the official site for the 2011 Basset Hound Club of America Nationals to be held in Northern, KY the first week of October. I live about 20 minutes from the site and I am beyond jazzed!

I have subscribed to Bugler, the Basset Hound Magazine for about 20 years I think. I love this magazine and I have all of my old copies. This is an online magazine.
Thank you Richie for helping House of Puddles! The elders love you as well!
Well, I was certainly up with the birds and I got the worm!
Interestingly, Grandma and I just helped deliver a hound named Caterpillar to the House of Puddles a few weeks ago. Maybe it was an omen! Thanks Catmandoo – this one is for you!

More loving being the early bird later….Cat, Chaps and Emma