A Rare Sighting….and Discovery???
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Rare Sighting and Discovery Lovers….
OK, this is very strange….
Yesterday, I heard Emma barking at the front door. Nothing unusual, she does that when she hears her Grandma going up and down the steps. I have even blogged about it it before. She usually doesn’t go berzerk so I went and checked on her. I thought it was odd she was in the Mayor’s worry bed.
I asked her, “Emma, what are you saying?” Just then I had a brilliant idea! I grabbed my IPhone4S which has a feature that I think is new. You can speak your text messages. Very woo woo. My Mom and I had never sent a text in our life but we had been practicing. So, I grabbed the phone and turned on the microphone in the text message area.
She barked once and I pressed done, (see the little microphone next to the 123?). Then she barked a second time and again I pressed done. Look what it said! I got goose bumps.
I am not kidding one bit! The only thing I could think of, was she was trying to ask/bark Grandma, “Where were” you?
Woo Woo or what?
I am going to keep testing this rare discovery!
In the mean time I let her go upstairs for her extra treat.
I will keep reporting back on this rare discovery but in the mean time, Chaps hopes the worry bed thing was just a freak accident. hehehe
More woo woo later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
I am so surprised that Our Sweet Emma likes high tech phones.
Maureen – She is pretty high tech. She is usually up to try anything new. Chaps on the other hand…..not so much!
Maybe Emma needs her own phone so she can call you and tell you what she wants.
oooo kinda spooky
Stop on by for a visit
Cool! The “iEmma” app!
Wow!! That is amazing! She speaks human 🙂 Maybe Hannah and Roscoe should get phones so they can text with Chaps and Emma!
RHandM – That would be totally pawsome. I could set their phones to the bark ringtone! hehehe