Cute little story came across the wires this morning…..
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and cute little story lovers…..I was sniffing around the internet this morning and ran across this one out of New Mexico.
Family dog becomes prime suspect in theft
Posted at: 01/04/2012 10:55 PM
By: Eddie Garcia, KOB Eyewitness News 4
![]() Coraline |
Dogs always get blamed for eating homework, but how about a $4,500 wedding ring?
It happened to an Albuquerque family and when nature would not pass the ring back, they had to find another way.
Rachelle Atkinson has a habit of leaving her wedding ring on her night stand and in the morning, she puts it back on – that was until a few weeks ago.
“I went to go put it on and it was nowhere to be found,” she said.
Rachelle and her husband Scott searched everywhere but eventually started to suspect a thief, their 10-month old basset hound, Coraline.
“She was the only one in our room so we immediately looked at her and she looked guilty,” Atkinson said.
For the next 10 days, Scott had to go through a lot of Coraline’s droppings searching for the treasure.
“I had to go through all the ‘poos’ everyday and squish them up and make sure there were no hard lumps in there so yeah, that wasn’t much fun,” said Scott Atkinson.
It turns out he did it all for nothing. X-rays showed the ring wasn’t coming out on its own.
“So we took her to the vet and there it was lying in the bottom of her stomach and it was just too heavy to pass so we had to take her in for surgery,” Atkinson said.
The vet had to go fishing.
She first had to knock Coraline out then feed an instrument down her throat into her stomach and after a few hours they got the ring back.
Now Coraline is back to her old self – of course getting into trouble once again.
Rachelle now hides her $4,500 ring out of sight while Coraline is off munching away at anything she can find.
“She’s a good dog and she’s just a wonderful addition to our family but we’ll never forget this – the ring and her have gotten more expensive,” Atkinson said.
The vet said Basset Hounds have tendency of eating rocks, which means Coraline has really expensive taste.
End of story
A few comments here – I am not sure where they got the idea that Basset Hounds have a tendency of eating rocks. Not a big deal, but I guess it adds to the story. I have never had a rock eater in over 20 years. I did however see a hound at a waddle with a cloth muzzle wearing a t-shirt that said,
“I don’t bite, I eat rocks”. So, what do I know…..
Make sure you watch the video. It is really cute. I was wondering if they named her Coraline after the cartoon character. Betcha they did!
More news off the wires later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Maybe Coraline is part of the Bling Ring.
That was one active pup. She never stopped! What a pretty and sweet hound though. It would have been worth the $900 to me.
She is a fiesty girl! My bassets are too lazy for those shananigans! My Emma did eat a box of chocolate exl-lax once though that she unpacked from my suitcase. After a call to the doggy poison hotline and a sleepless night of worry, she never even had a bowel movement!
Sandy that is unbelievable! Not even a BM? That is some system! hehehe
Nope. Nothing. And i know she ate it. She had the package in her mouth and had chocolate breath. Her tummy did some serious grumbling but she slept all night without even rolling over. Full on snoring! I, on the otherhand, didnt sleep a wink because i was worried about her and watched her like a hawk all night!
I do bead work using tiny little seed beads. My basset Beatrice pilfered a tube of shiny green beads from my work tray when I was out of the room. I looked everywhere for the missing beads…never dreamed Beatrice would be interested in them. Sparkles in her poop solved the mystery of the missing beads.
Wow, this story took on a life of it’s own. I have seen it all over the internet. Too funny. The internet is such a small world.
I had this in my list of things to blog about. I am obviously extremely behind. Amazing the things dogs will eat!