Another basset in the news……

January 10th, 2012 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hounds and Hounds in the News Lovers….Yesterday, I saw this story on a basset hound board I am on.  It is about a basset in a new movie.

This guy is named CH Wagtails Johnny Cash, CD. CDX, aka Cash, and he is in a movie called Sam Steele and the Crystal Chalice.

Mail Attachment

Tickets to Cash’s movie to be shown Friday, Feb. 17 (8:00pm) at the Derby City Film Festival at the Clifton Center can be purchased for $7.00 on-line or beginning at 4:00PM on Fri., 2/17 at the box office at the Clifton Center in Louisville.

The movie looks really cute and here is the trailer for it.  I found it on YouTube.

Good work Cash.  You are looking good.  Himz a sitter upper to boot!

More loving star hounds later….Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    January 11th, 2012 | 11:03 am

    I have seen Sam Steele and his junior dective agency before. It was a movie concerning a priceless painting and starred Luke Perry. I am looking forward to this movie.

    By the way, what is the other board you are on? I am always looking for Basset Boards.

  2. Cat
    January 11th, 2012 | 12:04 pm

    Wow, Maureen – that is really cool that you have seen Sam Steele before. Was the hound in the movie? The other board is a really boring show dog board. This was one of the only cute things I have seen or heard on it in over a decade.

  3. MaureenandSlinky
    January 11th, 2012 | 12:21 pm

    I think the movie was on the Hallmark Channel. I’ll see if I can find anything more about it. I think there was a Basset in it. As I remember Sam Steele’s father is a dective, and Sam wants to show his father he has dective instincts as well.

  4. MaureenandSlinky
    January 11th, 2012 | 12:49 pm

    The movie is called Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency and it involves a jewel heist. Luke Perry does star in it.

  5. Jeff
    April 14th, 2013 | 10:28 am

    Hey guys,

    My name is Jeff McLeid and I’m the cinematographer from the Sam Steele series. We didn’t have a basset in the first one but had a cute little beagle but both are the same character, Doug. But, here’s what happened and why we eneded up with a basset instead.

    The first movie we shot in Des Moines Iowa and casted a beagle named…I don’t remember, but she played the character of Doug. When we went to make the second film we decided to make it in Louisville instead of Des Moines and we couldn’t get the original Doug. So instead of spending a lot of time and money the producers decided to put out a search or a new Doug. Cash was submitted to us by his trainer and owner. We saw a video of what he could do an instantly fell in love with the idea of a basset hound being our star pup.

    He was wonderful to work with and did everything you could think of a movie dog doing.

    I know this thread is old and i just happened to come across it.



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