After much research we have decided not to have Emma go through a Liver Biopsy!

February 26th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and research lovers….

Well, it was not a difficult decision to make, but we are not going to have a liver biopsy done on our Shimlette.  Mostly it is because of consulting with the best diagnostician and physician I know, my sister, Cindy.  We are so lucky to have her to ask questions of.  She is a gastroenterologist with a subspecialty in liver disorders.  WOW, HOWL LUCKY ARE WE?

Nin and kids

First off, she was horrified that a canine internist would order a liver biopsy after one abnormal blood panel.  As a physician, she avoids ordering liver biopsies as much as possible.

She explained that the risk of this procedure extremely overwhelmed any (if any) benefit it may produce.  Cindy went on to explain that Emma, being almost 8 with advanced degenerative disc disease, highly allergic and blind should NEVER, EVER be considered for a liver biopsy. Not only does Emma have all of the above, she is totally her normal happy self.

After talking to my sis I recalled that Emma also had a highly allergic reaction to the surgical scrub that was used during her eye removal. We almost lost her.

So….NO! Our Emma will not be having a liver biopsy.  My sister prescribed Milk Thistle and a canine probiotic.   We will have her blood panel checked in a few weeks and see if she trends down from her high liver enzymes. This will be for reference only.

I am also on a Canine Liver Disorder Forum on Yahoo.  I will be reading from many others that are going though the same things with their hounds.

photo 3

Of course the Mayor is a big help.

More loving my smart doctor sister later….Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Judy, Bumper & Abby
    February 26th, 2012 | 9:43 pm

    I think this is a wise choice at least for now. Why add to Emma’s problems by doing a risky procedure that was found by a “fluke” blood test from a UTI. I agree the Milk Thistle sounds like a good choice. Emma is in good hands with you, Chaps and grandma doting over her every minute of the day. Take care of our sweet Emma.

  2. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 26th, 2012 | 9:46 pm

    How lucky are you to have a sister with this knowledge. Thank you CINDY! Poor Shimms. She’s just had problem after problem hasn’t she? But she takes it all in stride and she’s had such a good puppy life. She won the lottery when you adopted her Cat. FOR SURE! I know you’ll keep us posted on her progress. 8 years old is young to me. All 4 of my hounds are all older than that!

  3. February 26th, 2012 | 10:20 pm

    So grateful for your smart sister! This sounds like a prudent course of action … I’m glad Emma won’t be going through this. Much love all around, and an extra pat for the Mayor.

  4. Sandy
    February 27th, 2012 | 10:18 am

    Cat, I am so relieved to hear your decision. You are absolutely making the right decision! I am sure I told you that my baby has elevated liver enzymes, too. She is on milk thistle as well. And that is that! Emma is a sweet baby and although she has gone through a lot, she has a lot more to give-I don’t doubt that for a second.

  5. MaureenandSlinky
    February 27th, 2012 | 12:15 pm

    I think you are making an informed decision. I know I hate the idea of doing anything to Slinky that involves anesthesia.

    I hope Our Emma will be feeling better soon.

    Has Emma been able to enjoy any of her Valentine treats?

  6. Audra, Colby Chaps & Abby
    February 27th, 2012 | 12:21 pm

    I’m so glad to hear your decision! How lucky you are to have your sister to consult with! Sometimes we seem to create more problems when we try to help our hounds by various test and surgery. So glad Emma will not have to undergo this procedure. She is so lucky to have YOU, Grandma & Chaps to take care of her. Keep us posted and feel our love — we are sending it your way!!!!

  7. Debbie
    February 27th, 2012 | 3:41 pm

    Good choice, great to have such an educated caring sister! Love that picture of Chaps using Emma as a head rest. My late Buford Bulldozer and Esther of Ears used to pose like that all the time! It is so cute. Love and hugs to Emma and all!

  8. lois
    February 27th, 2012 | 4:13 pm

    wise choice. the one i would have made. some of us go thru life with compromised livers or 3 kidneys & do just fine until they are found thru a fluke thing.

    i would watch the her, but with her history i wouldn’t risk it.

    exactly what i would have done.

  9. February 27th, 2012 | 6:28 pm

    Thank you everyone for your kinds comments. Tomorrow will have been 2 years since my Dad left us. It is kind of hard to imagine. Maybe he was helping make the decision for Emma as well. He would have never wanted her to go through that procedure.

  10. lois
    February 27th, 2012 | 7:13 pm

    you know he would have had a hand in it.


    so go eat at the special place in honor of him.

  11. Cat
    February 27th, 2012 | 7:44 pm

    Lois! We do have plans to eat at our special place for Grandpa. Thanks for remembering. Gotta love Deja-Dad! hehehe

  12. Judy, Bumper & Abby
    February 27th, 2012 | 8:53 pm

    Remembering your dad and how hard this has been for you. I know that the Green Derby was one of his favorite places. Am I right? Enjoy that super delicious fish sandwich – my fave. I will be cooking tomorrow as we are celebrating my twin boys Brian and Kevin’s leap day birthday. This is their 8th real birthday! I am so excited Kevin is coming home for this special day!

  13. Mary
    February 27th, 2012 | 10:20 pm

    Relieved that you have decided not to go through with the biopsy! The barooootiful Emma is in truly wonderful hands, Cat:) Keep us posted, as I know you will. Drool’s a flowing from the boys to KY from PA:) I know Grandpa is watching over you all!–enjoy your meal, and the sweet memories:) xoxo

    Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo

  14. Bruce
    February 28th, 2012 | 1:06 pm

    Cat! Only just reading about Emma today. I think your decision is exactly right, and am so glad you are avoiding putting Emma through that. Wishing Emma all the best!


  15. March 2nd, 2012 | 7:22 pm

    Oh, sweet Emma, I am terribly sad that you are not feeling 100%. I agree with your decision not to do the biopsy. Give Emma (and Chaps) lots of belly rubs from me.

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