Who remembers Rudolph?

February 6th, 2012 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Hollow Fellow Basset Hound and Rudolph Lovers…Does anyone remember Rudolph?  He was the guy my Mom and I picked up from the pound back in 2007, along with Hermy and helped transport to HOP. Here we are at my vet office.


Darling Rudolph is ATB now but enjoyed his final days being kissed and loved.  Hermey is still at HOP!

I just thought I would share this memory.  Gosh I loved both of them.

More loving my 13K pictures later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

We took a break from grid iron to go see Iron Lady…

February 6th, 2012 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Wow, yesterday was the Super Bowl of course and not being a fan of football I was working on sorting some pictures. Also, my Mom and I went to see Iron Lady with Meryl Streep.  OK, Meryl will win the oscar for this.  No doubt about it.  Howl ever, the script writers, IMO should be given an F.  There is nothing worse than sitting in a movie and wondering when is it going to actually get underway? Well, this thing never did.  I came out of the theater actually shocked.  I don’t know all that much about Margaret Thatcher but enough to know there was much more interesting stuff in her life than this movie had to offer.  Gawd, this could have been so much better. I checked out IMD after we got home and I was not alone.


I had the game on later that evening and I was laughing at myself because I had no idea what was going on but everyone seemed so excited and it made it fun.  Cris Collinsworth lives in my home town, about 1 minute from my house.  It was nice watching him as well.

I was also sorting through old pictures and had to share these 2.  They have nothing to do with the Grid Iron or the Iron Lady, just our little lady….Shimlette….


I thought we would hug the fur right off of her body…..


She sure was Grandpa’s girl.

Hope all of the residents had a nice weekend and a great Monday….Love, Cat, Chaps and little ruling our home with an iron paw….Shimmers…

It’s Super Bowl Sunday! Who is playing?

February 5th, 2012 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Super Bowl Sunday Lovers.  Well, I am not a football fan.  I really cannot even tell you who is playing.  I guess many of the residents will be going to parties or having parties and hooting and hollering!  Not us.  I might tune in with one eye to look at Madonna lip sync.

Oh, oh, oh…….The puppy bowl is on!  Anyone watch that on Animal Planet? It is really cute.

Here is something I found on facebook.

Go Team!


Hurry Super Team – let’s sack that little *bleep*….


I bet there will be some kind of dance in the in zone after this play!

More loving good moves later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Wad up with the residents?

Fun Fhoto Find of the Day of our very own Mayor!

February 4th, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Fun Fhoto Find of the Day Lovers…..I just checked my Ifhoto file and I am up to 13, 333 fhotos!  Wow, that is a lot of houndage in one foto file!  I had to share this one of our darling Mayor.


Oh, you really must click the photo for the full effect.  Just sublime!

More fawning over fotos later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Sandy, Emma, Zoey and Haley check in from the TX region of bassethoundtown!

February 3rd, 2012 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and residents checking in lovers!  Oh I just love when residents send us pictures so we can share with everyone.  Howl much fun!  Here we have Sandy (the human) with her 3 kids.

“Zoey is on my right (left in the pic)- she is the multicolored basset.  Emma is the stocky brown and white beauty.  Hayley is my sweetpea weenie-mix.”


Sandy was telling me that this photo shoot was done by a professional photographer named Robyn Arouty.

Sandy also said, “Robyn is an animal advocate. She did a photo shoot and donated 50% of the proceeds to the Basset Buddy Rescue here in Texas.”

Wow, that is really cool.  Great picture of your pack.

Check this pack photo out.  Nice!

the kids

Thank you Sandy, Emma, Zoey, and Haley for sharing and starting our weekend off in style!

More loving our residents later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

The Mayor has a prediction for GROUNDHOUND DAY!

February 2nd, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Groundhound Day Lovers!  Here we go!  We wait all year for this!

He has never been wrong in all of his 7 years of predicting!

More loving a great weather man later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

No news about groundhound day yet…..

February 2nd, 2012 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Goundhound Day lovers…This is just a short blog to report that the Mayor has not entered his man cave yet.  Unlike Puxatony Phil, I will not drag him out of his hole.

He is howl ever analyzing the situation and all weather conditions from his satellite office in the living room.


Let us not disturb his delicate genius.

A treat never hurts either…..

More waiting for his prediction later….Himz has never been wrong before!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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