We really, really like Dr. Ron Leick…a lot!

June 2nd, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new vet lovers…We had such a wonderful and glorious experience with Dr. Ron Leick, Complementary Veterinary Care.  We set off this morning early because I was not about to get lost which I am totally known to do.

Emma and Chaps were feeling really good and we loaded up and drove right to Dr. Lieck’s practice with no problem at all.  Door to door was 20 minutes.  We were about a half hour early!


What a wonderful serene and beautiful vet office.  I was kind of nervous so I did not take near enough pictures but I will when we go back for our follow up in mid June.  The lobby was so peaceful and Dr. Leick came and greeted the kids right away.  The history he took was extensive and our appointment lasted for well over and hour.

The first thing Dr. Leick did was get Emma up on that blue thing.  He sat behind her and started his exam.

photo 1

He had Grandma sit where I am sitting in this picture and just touch her.  Like a fool, I did not get a picture.  The doctor did a chiropractic adjustment on her and made a decision not to do an acupuncture treatment. Emma was tight and stressed in certain areas and he felt the chiropractic exam was the way to start.

Then he wanted to try some Chinese herbs to help her water retention.  He was very pleased that her gums were pinkish and she was eating good. He wants to keep her on her current food that is a prescription liver diet.  He does not want her system too stressed by changes.  He wants to proceed with baby steps.  He agreed with my decision against a biopsy.  After Emma has had her course of herbs we will go back for her follow up.  He wants her walking and gave us a chart of foods that will also help remove fluid from her abdomen.

Then, he got a phone call and informed us that his next appointment was going to be a bit late and if I wanted him to evaluate the Mayor he would.  Chaps did not have an appointment and seeing Dr. Leick can take weeks to book so of course I jumped at it.

photo 5

Dr. Leick decided not to use the blue block for Chaps because of his length.  Chaps had a chiropractic adjustment and he was extremely tight.  He is getting arthritis and the Dr. found a few spots that needed extra attention.  The Dr. decided that he again wanted to start small and just suggest a food change.  I asked Dr. Leick what food company he would suggest and he said,  The Honest Kitchen.  I am going to switch Chaps over to one of the formulas.  Dr. Leick went over which direction we should follow for a food based upon his evaluation and Chaps’ metabolism. It was very involved and history based.  The examinations were so involved and detailed.  It was just refreshing and heart warming.

Wow, this turned out to be a very long blog but I love having so much detail and hope to share with the residents.I really look forward to more updates about our holistic experience.

We can’t wait to get Emma’s herbs.  They have to be drop shipped so they are at their freshest.

More sharing hope later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – thanks so much for all of the comments and concerns.  We love sharing…


  1. Gabrielle
    June 2nd, 2012 | 9:14 pm

    Dearest Cat, Sweet Emma and handsome Chaps,

    What wonderful news and to read all about the Doc and we are so excited about the new diet for Chaps and Emma. Please keep us informed as we just love hearing all about it. We will keep you all in our prayers! We love you ALL!

  2. Sandy
    June 2nd, 2012 | 9:32 pm

    That is absolutely wonderful! Keep us all posted on her progress. When is her follow up visit?

  3. Cat
    June 2nd, 2012 | 9:40 pm

    Hey Sandy – her follow up is June 24 after she has been on her herbs for a few weeks. Emma was so cute getting her adjustments. She just seemed to really enjoy it. The doctor was so in tune. Amazing.

  4. Cat
    June 2nd, 2012 | 9:48 pm

    Hi Gabrielle – We love you too! This was such an uplifting day for all of us. The experience was so different and fantastic for us.

    The doctor said a quote by Socrates….

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. I got chills.

  5. Judy, Bumper & Abby
    June 2nd, 2012 | 9:50 pm

    I am glad that you found a vet that you like. Does he do all the routine tests/shots that other vets do? Sounds like t his is the best fit for Emma. Keep us posted on the herbs and Chaps food.

  6. Cat
    June 2nd, 2012 | 10:25 pm

    Hi Judy…I am not sure what his entire practice entails but we will get into that at our follow up visit. I hope he is full service but if not, what he does will be an addition to the traditional medicine we will need. It is so nice to try something so simple and hopefully healing. The difference between that shrew pushing the biopsy and Dr. Ron was night and day. What a breath of fresh air just 20 minutes away from home. I am anxious to try some of the fluid reducing foods on Emma. One is garlic! I gave her a garlic pill tonight. hehehe

  7. Sandy (Ollie's mom)
    June 3rd, 2012 | 12:43 am

    So glad to hear that your visit was so positive. My daughter did this when she butted heads over treatment with her reg vet. My grand dog got accupuncture & did very good. Also had some diet changes & got off some meds that were causing problems. The reg vet said she was wasting her money & time. She wasn’t. Her dog had less pain & was happier.

  8. Debbie
    June 3rd, 2012 | 12:53 am

    So glad it went well. The fact that Chaps and Emma responded so well to the Dr. speaks volumes.It seems that there are knowledgable,caring , compassionate , people in the medical field. I find that very encouraging.Love to all!

  9. joni brooks
    June 3rd, 2012 | 9:23 am

    Wonderful repawt on bothChaps and Emmers. There is a holistic vet in Cocoa and I plan to take Gizmo there. Poor thing is full of aryhritis just like me.

  10. June 3rd, 2012 | 9:58 am

    Wow! Where do humans go to get that kind of attention from a doctor? So glad Emma and the Mayor had such a wonderful visit and practical and wise courses of action for them both. So glad to hear. Love the blue block … looks so much more calming than a tall slippery steel table.

  11. June 3rd, 2012 | 10:10 am

    Hi everyone and good Sunday morning to all of the residents. I forgot to tell everyone something very cute. While Dr. Leick was feeling Emma neck during her chiropractic adjustment he made a comment. He said, “Chaps must be a very good seeing eye dog”. I asked him what he meant and he said that most blind dogs he treats have lots of neck and snout problems due to bumping into things. The doctor said that it must be Chaps helping her to avoid those harsh bumps and therefore keeps her bones from jamming. He bent down and gave Chaps a big big rub on the head and said, “what a good boy”. OK, did I tear up just a bit? Remember that picture I just posted of Chaps wrapping his tail around her to avoid hitting the chair? Back when I was writing that article for the Bugler?


    Go down a few pictures and you will see it. Chaps the seeing eye dog in action.

    The doctor told me to go to walgreens and get some over the counter dry eye drops for Chaps. His eyes are weak and get irritated. He said, “gotta protect his eyes for him and Emma”! YES!

  12. Nin
    June 3rd, 2012 | 1:03 pm

    Congratulations. It sounds as though Dr. Leick is the perfect fit. Of course there are vets like that for people too and like them they don’t take insurance!

    Good luck and hugs and kisses to all!

  13. Gabrielle
    June 3rd, 2012 | 3:20 pm


    I loved the quote from Socrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. It does make you have goose bumps! I am so happy for all of you and can’t wait to hear what the next visit with Dr. Leike will reveal. You are the most wonderful Mom to Chaps and Emma. Bless you ALL!

  14. Cindy, Jethro Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    June 3rd, 2012 | 3:55 pm

    I am so happy for you and Emma and Chaps! What a great observation about Chaps being eyes for Emma. I teared up on that too. He sounds like a great doctor. I look forward to hearing about progress.

  15. MaureenandSlinky
    June 4th, 2012 | 10:31 am

    This sounds wonderful for everyone involved. I wish I had him for Slinky. If you think of it, can you ask him if he knows of anyone he could recommend in Illinois.

    I never heard of that food The Honest Kitchen. Where do you buy it?

  16. June 4th, 2012 | 5:09 pm

    Maureen – I am looking into that. It appears that Mr Chewy sells it. I will do a blog posting on it was soon as I figure it out. Mr. Chewy is that company that sells and ships right to your door. I will keep you posted.


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