Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma being back lovers. First off, I can’t thank the residents enough for all of the comments and encouragement regarding Emma and her wild liver ride. I have learned so much and I hope that some day all of these liver postings and comments will help someone else.
Last night Emma woke up really hungry and this is a little video I took for the residents of Emma eating Cookie Crackers. The Mayor makes a quick cameo.
Her hunger made me feel really good and Grandma and I are 100% sure it was the Chinese Herbs that made her very ill. Emma’s liver is already compromised and it could not tolerate the herbs. Emma was a big help in healing herself because she was always drinking lots and lots of water. She probably knew she had to flush that stuff out of her system. Plus, of course, she had the best care around the clock.
Well, you live and learn. No more herbs, whatsoever, for our gal. We will stay the course we were on.
So, we actually slept through the night! Emma was in her comfort corner under her gully ALL NIGHT LONG!
I woke up at 7:00am (I was on the fancy couch) and jolted up and over to look at her. She lifted her head and licked her lips. I laid down next to her and announced to the Mayor, “Emma’s Back”! She was rubbing her head on my head and moaning and groaning, giving me big slobber kisses and I was a blubbering fool.
So, she got out of bed and walked down the hall and did her little hop step out the potty door all on her own! A little shaky but she did it!
Came back in, walked to her position and waited for breakfast.

A prettier sight has never been seen!
She ate about a 1/4 of her normal amount but is still crazy for her cookie crackers!
We have our Emma back! We are very lucky to have so much slobber being slung from many regions. It helped I tell you…it sure helped and we are honored to have such support. I was hesitant to lay Emma’s scare on the residents but let’s face it, most of you have been here following her story for about 7 years and we thank you for that.
More loving that Emma is back and more loving all the residents of bassethoundtown later. Cat, Chaps and our liver girl Emma.
P.S. – love your liver…

P.P.S. I think the babies are going to take off today.