We found the fountain of youth!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and fountain of youth lovers! hehehe
Well, maybe not the fountain of youth but the Mayor sure seems younger now a days when we go to the park!
Grandma and I have been trying and trying to teach himz howl to drink from the dog fountain so we don’t have to spend 20 minutes filling up his water bag from the nozzle.
And feast your eyes on this!
By George, I think he finally figured out this is fun!
Don’t you just love these new fountains that were installed this year? I think they are great! Now the Mayor does as well. He was so cute drinking out of it.
I had to share something that had me cracking up the other day. I was in the bathroom at our other park and they have these same fountains. I could hear a Mom outside yelling at her little boy. It went something like this….
“Bobby, don’t spray the water from the fountain!”
now her voice is getting louder…
“Bobby, Bobby, don’t splash the water on your brother!”
now she is almost screaming..
“Bobby quit jumping on the fountain, get off the fountain Bobby!”
I thought Mommy was going to stroke out…as her pitch heightened to shrill….
I think I was crying tears of laughter when I exited the bathroom.
I think both Bobby and Mommy needed a nap.
Here is my perfect boy waiting for me. Himz never gets yelled out. See him looking at me? I took a short power walk after Grandma did.
Just another day in our town…
More fountain of youth later (and I don’t mean Bobby)…Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB
How wonderful these fountains are!!! Good job Chaps 🙂
it is kind of funny when the dogs behave pretty good at the park & the kids are really bad…just saying. happens all the time at my park. kids are the little demon beasts & the dogs are perfect.
I’d be afraid to leave Our Mayor alone, someone might steal him.
I have never seen or heard of these fountains in the parks around me. I alway bring a bottle of water and an aluminium dish for Slinky; because, children bring her treats when I take her to the park.
Maureen – He is never out of my sight. I am only about 50 stride away from him at all times. I basically do laps around him. He is so funny because he watches me like a hawk. We also have the best conversations as I stride by. Himz such a good coach!