Memory foam comfort for our Mayor!

September 1st, 2012 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Memory Foam Lovers.  Well…we are a fan of Memory Foam!

The Mayor and I have a memory foam bed.  We just love it.  It feels good on the aging bones.

photo 5

This morning the Mayor lingered as I made his low salt turkey with low salt turkey broth breakfast.  I mix in some kibble.  He loves it and looks forward to it.  We love being able to treat him with extras since Emma has passed away.  The Mayor had to follow her diet for the most part which was pretty bland.  Dr. Leick suggested the Turkey which is a cooling food.  Chaps has a heavy coat and tends to be on the warm side.  It makes perfect sense.

After breakfast we drove to the park.  Look at the giant beautiful tree we park under.  Just stunning.

If you click on the picture you can see our big boy in the back of the basset hauling vehicle.

photo 3

Since the weather has been so brutal we only go for short walks.  Chaps does so good.

photo 4

IMG_3108 (small 5 sec video clip)

Now back to the memory foam!

Look at these memory foam bath matts we bought for the Basset Hauling Vehicle.  The Mayor seems to love them!


We bought them at Krogers and they were on sale for 20 bucks a piece.  Still a bit pricy but we are in the BHV enough that it is necessary.  He loves them.

It’s the little things in life that make a big difference!

More cooling foods and memory foam later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB

PS – no jolting episodes for the last 2 days.  I am just overwhelmed with joy!


  1. Sandy K
    September 2nd, 2012 | 10:08 am

    Dan and I just bought a memory foam bed and got it last night. Heavenly!

  2. Cat
    September 2nd, 2012 | 11:35 am

    Sandy that is so fitting for the blog posting. LOL!

  3. Sandy K
    September 2nd, 2012 | 7:21 pm

    Well much to Dans horror- the dogs all sleep in bed too! They love memory foam!

  4. September 3rd, 2012 | 12:19 am

    I just thought I would give the residents an exciting update. We had a blowing, driving rain storm come through basset hound town and the Mayor was calm. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT? I AM FREAKING OUT! He laid at my feet and, and, and….no freaking out. OK, this is just one episode and we will see but I am so happy, I can not tell you howl happy I am. Also, still no jolting. Slightly weeping for joy!

  5. Debbie
    September 3rd, 2012 | 12:57 pm

    I am so glad Chaps is doing so well! Love the video clip; wanted to reach out and pet him and offer bacon!

  6. Sandy K
    September 3rd, 2012 | 12:57 pm

    It is the acupuncture! I dont know how it works-but it certainly is helping Hayley with her skin.

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